Train Ticket

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This will be a longer type of one-shot; a short story!!

hope you guys like it :)

let me know what you guys think and if I should do longer ones more often!

Charlie sighed in relief as the time hit 3 p.m. meaning his shift at the cafe was over. He had gotten a job during the summer to start saving up for when he had to visit Nick.

Nick was away at university and they were long-distance. He had visited Charlie about two times now, and it was now his turn to buy the train ticket.

The young couple agreed to split up who has to visit whom and who buys the ticket two times apart meaning Nick would visit Charlie twice and then Charlie would plan to visit Nick two times. It was working great so far.

Yes, Charlie had been a nervous wreck about them being long-distance but his boyfriend was proving his worries wrong.

They had never missed a planned FaceTime date and they managed to text every day so far when Nick wasn't in classes. Once he got to his car, Charlie checked his bank account app on his phone to see how much he had saved up so far, and his whole face lit up at the number.

"Yes!!" Charlie cheered to himself. He had saved up enough for at least 2 train tickets! He couldn't wait to tell someone about it, he would text Nick but he knew he was in the middle of a class and Tori was busy. So he drove home and rushed over to Jane and Julio who were sitting in the living room watching TV.

"Guess what!?" Charlie said to get their attention.

The young teenager blushed in embarrassment as his voice went all squeaky because he was excited.

"Yeah?" Jane wondered as Julio grabbed the remote and paused the TV. 

"I finally earned enough money to visit Nick this weekend!!" Charlie chirped with big happy eyes.

The excitement Charlie had faded away as Jane sighed deeply, being dramatic (as usual). Julio looked at his wife as if begging her not to say anything she would regret later.

"Why are you wasting so much of your money on those train tickets? FaceTime is free." Jane asked, she didn't understand why her son was spending this much.

Charlie rubbed his face, "It's not a waste Mom. I haven't seen Nick in about a month." he explained the best he could. He regretted going to them with this news.

"It's my money, I'm not asking you for it so there's no need for you to lecture me. I'm excited to go and you guys don't seem to care!" He ranted in frustration. Why did she care so much about what he spent his own money on?!

"I'm not lecturing you Charlie, I'm warning you. You're going to regret spending this much on train tickets when the long distance ends up being too much for you." Jane said in defense.

"Well, I'm going to visit Nick and you can't stop me." Charlie stormed upstairs, slamming his bedroom door shut in protest.

Jane rubbed her face, "Don't slam the door!" She called up.

Charlie rubbed his face with a sigh. He wanted to share with his parents how excited he was. Why did she have to ruin his mood? He plopped at his bed and grabbed his phone, only Nick could cheer him up.

Char💛: babe!!!

Char💛: guess what!!

Char💛: I earned enough money to visit you! I can come this weekend only if ur free :)

There was an instant reply even if he was in class. Charlie smiled as it showed Nick was typing.

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