twenty two

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"You can drop me off here."

Jay briefly eyed Jake who was sitting beside him, "It's okay, I can-"

"It's okay," Jake cuts him off. "You said you need to  be home before lunch."

"I can explain to my Mom," Jay insisted, still driving towards Jake's boarding house.

"I don't know if Sunoo would be there," Jake speaks his honest thoughts. "Sana will be there too."

Jay heaved a sigh as he realized Jake's concern. He stopped the car as wished, although it already passed by the outside court.

"Thanks for today," Jake said.

"No prob," Jay gave a half smile as he takes his wallet from a sling bag on the backseat. "You said you don't have any cash left, take this."

Jake pushed the door open, but he still looked back and take the bills being handed out at him.

"I'll pay you next time," Jake said before he completely stepped out of the car.

Jay only smiled as Jake closed the car door. He remained still and watch as Jake walked back- almost running to the opposide side, crossing the road to the convenience store probably to buy something he could eat.

The former council president let out another sigh. He also didn't know how he has managed to get Heeseung and Jake ride with him back here. Jay has just dropped Heeseung off his shared house with Sana first, and now he's watching as Jake entered the convenience store and disappeared into his sight.

Jay continued driving towards the university. Thankfully he has done packing his things last night, he just have to take a shower and change before he's good to go. Still, he was sure he will going to be a few minutes late.

Almost an hour after, as Jay drives back his real home, he has seen two familiar figures of men sitting beside each other at the outside court- Jake and Heeseung.


Jake taps his finger on the metal bench, the silence surrounding them for quite long now was killing him.

Of all available spaces, why would Heeseung choose to sit beside him?

That's the first question he wanted to ask, but there were more inside his thoughts.

"Why are you here?" Jake asked after gathering enough courage to speak. "Why didn't you follow them like how you usually would?"

Whenever he could see them fighting, Jake has always witnessed how Heeseung would take the same path where Sana has gone to. He would always make sure to follow, talk things out with her and... stay with her.


"Because," Heeseung speaks.

He closed his mouth shut, not knowing the next words to say. He came here because he wanted to be alone for a moment, think of a plan and clear his cloudy thoughts.

Seeing Jake isn't part of his plan, yet he still decided to walk closer and sit beside him. The purpose? Heeseung didn't know. He only followed what he currently feel— because there's a chance it could be the last time he could be this close to him.


Heeseung looks down on the grass, "I know I have more to explain to you than her."

Tonight, or the next day, Heeseung can only think of two things that could possibly happen.

One, the wedding date will be earlier. Two, they will move away from here.

No freedom. Heeseung knew, Sana's father wouldn't let go of him as easy as that. And although Heeseung was sitting beside Jake as of the moment, there's a bigger voice inside his thoughts telling him to go back and stay with Sana.

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