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Heeseung lazily walks out of the boarding house upon receiving a message from Sunoo. The moment he opened the door, Sunoo greeted him with a happy smile on his lips.  Instead of a cigarette, the younger male holds a lollipop- a news.


Heeseung narrowed his eyes at the smiling boy.

"Don't tell me I'm going to have Japanese food for dinner again?" Heeseung asked as he stood beside the younger, also leaning on the wall in front of the motorcycle.

"Bingo," Sunoo laughs.

Heeseung looks at the time on his phone and realized it's only 4 in the afternoon and the younger boy should still be in his school until at least 6.

"You should still be in school at this time," Heeseung said. "Why are you here?"

Sunoo took two paper bags from the box behind his motorcycle and hands it over to Heeseung.

"Give the other one to your nice neighbor," Sunoo smiled up at him.

"Did you escape school?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Sunoo asked. "It's worth it, I've seen the Japanese boy."

"You should be in school."

"Ey," Sunoo said, nudging him. "Don't be like Dad."

"Seriously, Sun," Heeseung said. "If your grades fall behind again-"

Sunoo purses his lips. "No matter how hard I try, he can never see my efforts anyways. What's the point?"

Heeseung places the paper bag back on the motorcycle seat as he stared at Sana's younger brother worriedly.

"Did something happened at house again?" Heeseung asked.

Sunoo quickly shakes his head.


The younger boy remained quiet.

"Sunoo, what happened?" Heeseung asked, staring intently at the younger boy who's eyes goes glassy but the tears remained hiding behind his long lashes.

"Nothing," Sunoo said as he blinks back the tears in his eyes. "The thing is, I already know his name."

The playful smile resurfaced in Sunoo's lips again.

"Nishimura Riki."

Heeseung shakes his head but still smiles back at him. "Go back to school now."

Sunoo giggles, "It's almost dismissal now, I don't want to."

Heeseung only sighed, not arguing with him anymore.

"What's his name?" Sunoo then asked. "Your nice neighbor."


Sunoo smiled. "Make sure to give the food to Jake-hyung."

"You can give it to him personally if you don't trust me."

"Is he here?" Sunoo asked.

"Not yet. Maybe he'll be here by six, if not eight."

"And how did you know?" Sunoo asked, raising an eyebrow to which Heeseung only narrowed his eyes back at the younger.

Sunoo giggles, "Kidding, Hyung."


Jake leaves the department with heavy steps, reviewing the documents again in his hands while Jay follows closely behind him having the same look of disappointments in their faces.

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