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my house hasn't been this quiet in i don't know how long. a house full of girls is way more crazy than some would think. the amount of arguments i deal with. shit the amount of arguments i have. i love my girls so much but they be stressing a bitch out.

the last photo shoot we had, lyric wasn't having the shit. she was ready to go lay down because her stomach was hurting. but rumi wanted to keep playing and whining. it's nothing new so i just worked with them. they're my family so i had no choice.

but they left last night. can't say i wasn't relieved. they'll be back soon though, i just know it. i'm not complaining.

right now i have to edit these photos though. i'm really excited for this clothing line to drop because it's really cute. a little mommy daughter set, i love it. beyoncé want us to go somewhere with them on one day. no telling when that'll happen.

i'm locked in my office focusing on these photos. just curled up in my chair with my ipad. that's where everything is located. my computer is on stand by though, i'm gonna need that in a bit.

"my baby just will not smile all the way." i mumbled looking at rumi. she had that little small smile like she was forcing it. it's cute though.

as i was saving the edited photos, my phone started ringing. i answered without looking and spoke.

"onika maraj, who am i speaking with?"


"oh. whats up?"

"i'm here."

"it should be unlocked, come inside."

i got up and left out my office to see her walking through. she smiled small and followed me down to the basement. we have some shit to cover. just a little model lesson.

"okay strip to you undergarments."

"ok." she started to undress and i gave her some heels. her stance be off so bad sometimes.

"now first we're gonna work on poses."

this shit was a hassle but we got it. it's only the first day so i'll give her a little time. but she better get the shit together.

"suck it in!" i smacked her stomach twice and she inhaled. why would she inhale? "release. i said suck it in, don't hold your breath." she's aggravating me with the way she be acting. like why so dumb? this why we didn't get along sometimes.

"i can't! god."

"don't get mad, do it again. suck don't breathe, just suck."

"i can't do it without breathing in onika."

"well do that then, shit." i rolled my eyes stepping back. once she did it, i held her stomach in. "when i tell you to pose, you need to suck this in. i've been telling you this since we started. you don't have a flat body so you can't just pose like that."

"you're such a body shammer." she mumbled dropping her arms and i ignored her. i'm not a body shammer at all. my wife has all the love handles and i love that shit. "how can you do that?"

"if i was shamming your body, i would've said some shit worth crying over. i don't sugar coat anything, you know this. but you want to make it in this industry, what i'm saying isn't half of what they'll tell you." i held up a swim suit before tossing it to her. she got undressed putting it on and i examined how it looked on her.

i'm not liking this but whatever.

"you're poking me!"

"ain't nobody trynna poke you, be still." i mumbled with a pin in my mouth. since she was here, i'm making her be my mannequin for these dresses. "you complain too much."

Nobody Gets Me.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora