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kelly smelly: bitch you're blocked again. see why that kiss was a mistake?

: it wasn't. she basically gave me permission to try and get her back.

kelly smelly: bullshit, you wouldn't be blocked. you piss me off. things were probably gonna get better for you guys. but y'all just had to kiss like dummies.

: i don't care. i don't regret it at all because she gave me permission. nobody is stopping me now.

kelly smelly: be smart. pretty girl doesn't play about her nika. she'll go to war.

: then she's met her match.

kelly smelly: bey you're too old for this

: we all are but who cares? i'm fighting for love. there's no limit.

kelly smelly: be smart.

i ignored her last message and put my phone down. rumi has finally made herself seen for the first time this morning. i'd been calling her name for a minute and she never answered. it made me happy to see her because i hadn't seen her all yesterday. when i got off work solo said she was hiding somewhere after her bath.

it didn't bother me because she had eaten and bathed. wherever she was isn't harmful because nothing is in this house. it's still baby proofed from when she was a baby. i kept it that way because she does things like hide.

"good morning love." she crawled up my bed and laid her messy head on my chest. i rubbed her back in small circles while she rubbed my exposed stomach. she loves stomachs. wonder if she does that when she's with onika.


"mommy i so hungry."

"you're hungry?"

"mmhm. i just say that momma." she sat up and put her finger in her mouth. i smacked it out so quick and she huffed before getting out of my bed. rumi likes to test me at times, so she put it back while eyeing me and walking out. that attitude.

"rumi don't get popped!"

"i so hungry momma!" she shouted from the hallway and i got out of bed too. i've been up and had already brushed my teeth and stuff so i just left the room. she was standing at the stairs because she can't get over the gate. my baby is smart but she knows that if she opens it without me with her i'll get on her butt. she's crawled over it before and nearly given me a heart attack.

i sometimes hate that her mind works well.

"come on. and get that finger out before i pop your butt." i picked her up and stepped over the gate. it surprised me to see lyric already in the kitchen and i sat rumi in her high chair. she hates this thing but i refuse to let her eat without sitting in it. she'll disappear. i at least want to eat with my baby before she isolates herself. "good morning." i kissed lyric and opened the fridge to get the milk. i'm not cooking this morning, i'm drained. work took so much out of me yesterday, i just want to chill.

"good morning momma. good morning rumi baby."


i sat her small bowl on her tray and put her favorite cereal in it. she smiled with her finger in her mouth and i just let it go. it's whatever, she's about to eat.

"momma why does rumi act like i'm some stranger? i just said good morning and called her my baby. all i got was a hi..."

"she treats me the same way. no need to feel left out." i poured milk in the bowl before giving her a spoon. she went straight in. my baby was really so hungry. but she says that every morning so i didn't think she was for real.

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