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so now i have to chill.... that's not fair because when she needed to chill, she most definitely wouldn't. it's okay though. one wrong move and i'm in her shit.

i know that girl not here for peace, she want to start something. she saw that i was back on onikas modeling page and now she wanna compete. i saw that she liked the picture so duh. i'm not gonna feed too much into it because i know onika hates that.

as long as i know where i stand and keep my place secure, we're good. onika won't even look at another female the way she looks at me.

i'm good.

"ma we-"

"i don't care lyric i told you i didn't want him at my house. it's nothing against him, i just don't want anyone there when i'm not there." my camera showed that she had him here but after like five minutes they left. i don't know where they went but i'm not too worried. lyric is smart.

"do you not trust me?"

"that's not the point." i grabbed my bowl of fruit and walked away. of course she followed me because she's like that. swear she's too much like me in so many ways that it annoys me at times. "lyrriiccc. let it go. i already gave you the rule. don't have anyone here while i'm gone."

"ok but i wanna know why! you're saying it like you don't trust me."

"i never said i didn't trust you because i do. if i didn't i wouldn't give you as much lead way as i do....lyric this is the only time i've ever told you no when it came down to that boy."

"i understand the rule ma, i don't care about that. he won't be here when you're gone anymore. all i wanna know is the meaning behind it. did i do something to make you not wanna allow that?"

i looked at her. onika is the one that taught her this understand stuff. she's so mannerable and respectful it gets me sometimes. i forget that we raised her right.

"you didn't do anything but be a teenager lyric. i know the things i did and you're just like me."

"ok...i get that."

i went to eating my fruit and she left out. my daughters' comfortability with me is very important, but sometimes i just can't. it's very needed though, being that we're all females. so i can't complain about much.

while i laid in bed eating my fruit, i got a call. surprisingly it was onika. i haven't really talked to her since two days ago when lauren came into the studio. it pissed me off to the max, that's why i walked out.

but i'm gonna keep my cool for the sake of onika and my mindset. i've never been a drama starter and always the calm and collected one. unless it was something i wanted so bad. like onika. i went above and beyond for her.

i answered the phone without saying hello and it hung up. she hates when i do that. not even five seconds later she called again and i did the same thing.

"you don't know how to say hello when somebody call you?" she sounded fed up already so i had to readjust myself. her voice was low and a bit raspy so she must've just gotten pissed or just woke up. i don't even wanna have an attitude with her anymore. don't wanna push her buttons even more than they're already pushed. "hello? i know i'm not talking to myself. breathing heavy and shit. if you gon ignore somebody at least control your intake of air."

i rolled my eyes because that wasn't even needed. could've left it at what she said in the beginning.


"come pick up rumi."

"is that a way to ask-" the line went dead and i scrunched my face. no way she just hung up on me like that. i haven't even did anything to her yet and i'm already getting the short end of the stick.

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