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"start locking this door!" i yelled as i walked inside onikas house. she texted me saying she was hungry and i'd just finished cooking right when she did. it's like she knew. so i decided to bring her a plate because i know she can't cook for shit. i don't want her to starve herself. "why you just laying here like that?" i chuckled seeing her sprawled across her bed.

she looked so bored i poked my lip out. either that or she's just beyond tired. i wouldn't put that past her because she works so much. they be having me messed up, i request breaks. don't nobody wanna model 24/7 of their life. i have kids.

with onika being a model, photographer, and a designer, she's always booked. no telling which she has to do. hopefully she's off today because that wedding took her out the other day. she had came back with no shoes on and just her pants and bra. girl got undressed in the car.

kind of made me mad that she was walking on the ground with no shoes but i just told her not to do that. it's gross.

"here's your food."

she didn't say anything and pointed to her night stand. so i sat it there before sitting on her bed. all she did was look at me from her laying position. just spread out on her stomach.

"what's wrong? why haven't you said anything?" i pushed her hair back and kissed her cheek. she flinched a little at that making me look at her weird. why she acting like she scared? never in our years of dating had i ever put my hands on her so... "nic..." she creeping me out. haven't said a word. just watching me.

i sat there looking at her confused. i'm guessing my staring made her look at me with an annoyed expression.

"you're the one not saying anything to me... why you flinching?"

she pointed to her mouth but that did nothing. i'm still confused. so i showed it on my face. before i could ask another question she sat up. the side of her mouth looked swollen and my eyes widened.

"what happened?" i got up quick grabbing her face. she hissed pushing my hands making me apologize. "what happened?"

"i went to the dentist." she grumbled cuffing her chin as slob came out her mouth. ew. i scrunched my face as she went to the bathroom. that explains why it hurt so bad.

"what'd they do?"

"wisdom tooth."

"they didn't put you do sleep?" my eyes widened. if she took that pain then she's really too gangster. no way i could've done that. they had to put me to sleep with no hesitation.

"i don't trust that shit." she came out holding her jaw with a towel. everything she said sounded so muffled, like she was talking with her tongue. i followed her around while she did something for her mouth. all i did was take medicine so i don't know what she's doing. "i can't even eat that.... i'm sad as fuck." she mugged a little while laying her head in my chest. i rubbed her back for comfort while she whined. "can i have a kiss?"

"will you feel it?"

"please don't be funny right now."

i softly grabbed her jaw and kissed her a couple of times. she was looking like a little kid with her pout while i wanted to laugh. she's so cute.

"lay with me. where are the girls?"

"rumi is with my sister and lyric is with miles." i spoke taking my shirt off. might as well stay here with her since my house is empty. the girls are always on the go. i be missing them.

"pants too." she spoke before i even laid down. i sighed stepping out of them and got in bed with her. her cold hands touched me but i dealt with it. it's weird how cold she always is, i'm always warm. we're opposites in a way but we connect. "i'm in pain."

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