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i'm trying to sleep and rumi has her foot in my ass! they all ended up falling asleep in my bed, not the best thing. i've been feeling different body parts all night. like at this point i can't sleep. i'm not upset, i just want someone to move! preferably rumi. she really kicking my ass....

but i know if i move then beyoncé will wake up. she doesn't sleep hard, so any peep will make her move. she's been like that since i met her.

it's like lyric is at the end of the bed, beyoncé is right behind me but rumi is between us.... with her head at the end. she's not too long so her head is at our legs, with her feet, in my ass. i'm really about to take her to her room. seriously.

i tried to slowly turn over without waking bey and it somewhat worked. she stirred a bit but didn't get up so i mentally cheered while grabbing rumi. the fact i had to tip toe through my own house is crazy.

as soon as i stepped foot in rumis room, i heard my name be called faintly. so i laid her down under the covers and went back to my room. lyric was getting out of bed and bey had her eyes open. damn, they were not supposed to be up.

"goodnight." lyric walked out, closing my door behind her while i got back in bed. bey called me again but i pretended like i didn't hear her. i'm so fucking tired yo, i don't even wanna cuddle. that's all she's gonna try and do. i know it.

"nika....are you high?"

"no i'm not high beyoncé. go to sleep." if i was high i wouldn't have gotten up in the first place. i wouldn't even felt rumi kicking me in my ass. only time i get high is when i know i don't have anything to do the next day. when i have time to sleep in in case i over sleep.

"i wanna hold you."

"giselle, please go to sleep."

"i can't, let me hold you. please."

i sighed heavily and turned to her. she was really waiting, already looking at me with those big eyes. when i rolled into her arms she held me tightly and kissed my forehead. this isn't even how it's supposed to go. i'm supposed to be holding her, but whatever.

when i woke up my bed was back full. i don't know why lyric and rumi came back but they did. it's like a magnet pulling them back in. at least i wasn't kicked again, so i'm good. bey just has her head in titties...

me waking up woke her up because she started to move her head around. i yawned grabbing her head to stop the moving before pushing it off my chest. that didn't do anything but make her upset though. i don't care, my boobs hurt.

"you always pushing me off of you."

haven't even woke up good and she already talking shit. at least brush teeth first. i ignored her though and went to the bathroom, i gotta pee so bad.

while i was doing that, bey came in. she grabbed her toothbrush and really started brushing her teeth. stank breath ass lucky i wasn't shitting. i'm sure she wouldn't even give a fuck. she act just like her kids...clingy as shit.

"can i have a kiss when i finish?" she was in the middle of brushing her teeth while i washed my hands. i haven't even brushed my teeth.... what's crazy is that i don't have morning breath. like it doesn't stink when i wake up.

"after i brush my teeth."

"mcht." she rolled her eyes as i started to brush mine. girl wake up ready to give so much affection. let me wake all the way up first. damn. she acting like she's cycling or something. "if you don't like me anymore just say that."

"ok." i spit the paste out and rinsed my mouth. after washing my face, she was still standing there looking so i chuckled at her. this girl does the most, i swear. "i love you beyoncé." i pat her shoulder twice and walked out the bathroom. i'm sure that upset her more but she's acting like her four year old right now.

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