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i'm fuming.

this bitch has tried me for the last time and she's gonna get what she's asking for. i don't care about none of that "i love you" bullshit, i'm about to kill her. seriously, gonna catch a case today. somebody finna be whooped.

kelly keeps trying to calm me down but i'm not hearing it. i am fucking hot! her blood needs to be on my hands. she's testing my patience.

"move kelly!"

"chill babe. for real." she softly pulled me and i jerked away. she's so smooth with things but right now i'm not trying to listen. i'll really smack the shit out of anybody right now. "use your head, okay?" that's the problem.

"i'm using my fucking head and it's saying to beat the shit out this bitch!"

"how you gon get to her? your tires."

that just made me even more upset. i'm mad because she slashed my tires plus keyed my car and i didn't even realize i can't go anywhere anymore. i swear on my momma she getting her ass beat. it's been a minute since i've had to lay my hands on somebody.

"move!" i felt my body heat up more and started to feel a headache coming through. since kelly wasn't letting me loose i pulled my phone out. if i can't go to her, i'm gonna call her. it really surprised me that she answered so quick. she was expecting this shit. "bitch you got me so fucked up! on your life imma kill you!" and i mean every word.

"what are you talking about?"

"bitch you slashed my tires and keyed my car! imma beat the shit outta you!"

"onika i told you not to play with me. you got me fucked up."

"you fucking- ou! i wanna fight."

"you wanna fight?" i could hear the smirk in her voice which pissed me off more. i'm already standing outside with no shoes nor clothes on. all i have on is some booty shorts and a sports bra. my car had been going off for a good 7 minutes before i even realized it was mine. i just ran out.

"i swear to god when i see you, i'm bashing your shit in the concrete." i hung up the phone. she's trying to play me so i don't have shit else to say. after i hung up i glanced at my car again to feel my blood rush....again. before i knew it i threw my phone to the car window. just smashed it. "stupid bitch!"

"calm down nic." kelly cringed at my phone flying in pieces.

"i'm fucking calm, move. i wanna go in the house."

"do you wanna call the police? i think doing it this way-"

"i don't wanna do shit but go in my house. can you move?" i asked as calmly as i could. she's really bugging.

"i'm about to call beyoncé." she moved out the way but kept her eyes on me.

"i don't give a fuck." i went in and slammed the door. i'm about to have to pay and get these tires fixed on top of my paint done. yea she's getting her ass beat.

now beyoncé is here.

i don't care about nothing they're talking about. my decision is final, i'm killing the bitch. they can get out of my face because i'm calm and okay now. kind of pissed that i don't have a phone but that's my fault. nobody else's.


"bey i just said i'm good. like get out my face, real shit." if they see i'm calm about it now, why bring it back up? my car is fucked up. like all the way.

"no because you're acting off impulse, you don't need to kill her."

"shut up. cause i was finna kill you when you cheated but you lucky kelly had some sense." i glared at her from the couch. even though i calmly left the relationship, i still had my moment. bey would've been dead and i would've been locked up. cause i wasn't gonna hide that i killed her ass. she hurt me that bad.

"thank you kelly....but onika-"

"beyoncé! what the fuck?! leave it alone! like i'm not in the fucking mood to be talked to about this shit. i said i'm good, leave it alone. damn."

"ok....i'm sorry....can i hug you?"

"you can get the fuck away from me." she just brought my anger back up. i was good until she started. kelly know i was good so i don't know why she even called her over here. they act like im a psycho with a murder streak.

"i can get you a new phone if you'd like."

"bro." i stood from the couch and went upstairs to my room. she was about to keep fucking going, don't nobody have time. my patience really running out with all of them.

they always act like they don't know what type of time i'm on. when i see lauren, i'm beating the shit out of her.

"why you still here?"

" to make sure you keep a calm attitude."

i walked all the way downstairs and kept my eyes on beyoncé. she was staring at me as well. could've sworn i heard her leave when everyone else did. i'm confused on how she got back in. i'm sure i locked the door, or at least i think i did.

"i don't need to be watched."

"you don't have a phone, you need to be watched."

"no i don't. i'm about to get high and watch a movie to go to sleep." i went in my kitchen to the pantry and got a good amount of snacks out. my dumb ass broke my phone so.... might as well.

"i'm gonna lay with you."

"do what you want." i started back upstairs and to my room. she was hot on my tail. like literally. i didn't say anything though, just kept
going up. she waited for me to lay down first before she followed. i reached over my nightstand to grab what i needed before taking it with the juice i got from downstairs.

bey watched me take it like she was biting her tongue. i really don't care, i was doing this before we even...yea. she knows this. it's never been an issue with us because it isn't an everyday thing. simple. maybe once a week, if that.

"what are you gonna watch?"

"something random cause i'm just about to let this kick in and go to sleep." i clicked through netflix before putting on a little kid movie. it wasn't cartoon but it's obviously for kids under 12. these be the best movies, hands down.

"i've watched this with rumi. it's really good."

i nodded and started to scoot down the bed until i was only slightly sitting up by my pillows. just enough for me to not choke on my food. beyoncé was curled in a ball beside me with her focus on the tv. the fact that she's in my house right now...in my bed, is really crazy. i'm supposed to be making her suffer but she's making it really hard.

it's like i'm starting to lean more into her again. but i feel as though it's worth it.

Nobody Gets Me.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora