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kelly smelly: talk to your girlfriend, like seriously have a sit down.

why? what'd i do? and if you say that to her she'll say she doesn't have a girlfriend so:

i'm really confused. i thought things were okay. like i know we were being petty last night but it's normal. i didn't think we needed to talk...i didn't get drunk because i knew she would do a lot.

kelly smelly: she was drunk last night and spoke about some things. the truth comes out when intoxicated.

did she do something she wasn't supposed to? :

kelly smelly: i can guarantee she did nothing wrong. she just told me how she felt on some things.

things like what? how am i gonna talk if i don't know what i'm asking her? :

kelly smelly: i don't wanna tell you anything in case she doesn't want me to. just ask her about last night and if she says she doesn't remember, let it go then i'll tell you myself. don't make it known that she said something because then she'll try to remember too hard.

i sighed after reading the message and sat my phone down. onika is knocked out next to me so i don't know whether to wake her up now or wait until later. there's no telling how long she'll be sleep. but i think she has to do something later today so it shouldn't be too long.

instead of bothering her i just made her move around to hold me. my head laid on her chest right between my favorite spot and i decided to drift off as well. hopefully when i wake up she's already awake so we can talk.

the sound of a loud tv woke me up. i already knew who it was so i didn't even say anything and just got up. onika wasn't in bed making me look around to see rumi on the couch at the foot of the bed. she looked back at me with a smile before going back to her show. my face stayed scrunched up to adjust to the light. it feels so freaking early.

i got out the bed after sitting there for so long and went to brush my teeth and stuff. rumi came in while i was doing so and hooked to my leg with her fingers in her mouth. saying something wouldn't even matter so i left it alone.

"have you ate yet?" i asked spitting out paste and looking down at her. she nodded caressing my skin as i washed my face. she always rubbing. "what'd you eat mama?"

"nika get something. her buy pancakes and breakfast stuff."

"where is she?"

"her downstairs."

"ok. come on." i picked her up and walked out the bathroom to turn the tv off. we went down but no one was down there making me frown. where the hell is this girl? i looked around the whole house and even her office, no sight of her. lyric didn't even know where she was.

i finally looked outside and saw an unfamiliar car out there. that has to be where she is. i opened the front door so she could see that i was looking for her. whoever car it was had tinted windows so i couldn't even see if she looked but i went back in and upstairs.

her phone was on the bed and i grabbed it while flopping on the bed. rumi went back to her show while i played around on her phone. it's always some work shit on it. but i noticed another contact.

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