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Geonna POV

asia and keira: *laughs*
me: stop it's not funny.
i sit on group facetime with asia and keira as i finish putting the final touches on my classroom. This year, i am teaching 2nd grade and i'm superrr excited. I hate i won't be able to go be with my mom as much but i am preparing to be a mom and i literally can't wait to be able to hold my baby.
asia: bitch let's be honest. if yo boyfriend and yo baby daddy was getting in a fight, who side would you take ?
keira: we already know whose
me: who
asia & keira: baby daddy
me: *laughs* fuck y'all. look, let me finish this. i'll talk to y'all later.
i hang up the phone and finish putting up the posters in my room. i loved the room already. I haven't talked to neither Domonique or Daveon since all this has happened. however, both of they asses steady blowing up my phone. tomorrow was open night meaning we would be able to meet the students and their parents. i grab my keys and purse and begin to head out. it's already 3. as i'm locking the door of my classroom, i'm approached by another teacher.
unknown: hii! i wanna welcome you to Berry Elementary. I'm Mrs. Xavier but you can call me Kyla. I was wondering would you like to go out with me, Ms. Wilson, and Mrs. Davis.
me: umm sure where are we going ?
kyla: it's this little restaurant down the street that we go to. it's a bar but obviously you can't drink. so we can sit at a regular table.
me: okay. sure. i'm down
kyla: okay well let me gather them and we'll meet outside.
i smile because it feels good to have coworkers around my age. i feel my phone vibrate in my hand again and once again, it's Domonique. i sigh lowly as i swipe to answer the call
me: hello
domonique: damn finally
me: what you need domonique
domonique: look i need us to talk. if not about us, atleast about our daughter. i just feel like we got hella unsaid business between us that we need to discuss.
me: true
domonique: can we meet up and talk tonight or something?
me: ion need tmz and mfs in my business so just come over my place tonight and i'll cook.
domonique: what time
me: shit it's 2 right now. so around 8 is fine
domonique: thank you Ge
me: yea whatever domonique. see you later.
i hang up as i walk to meet my coworkers in the front of the school. I'm all greeted by pretty females. damn i didn't know i was working with bad bitches like this!
kyla: so y'all this is Ms. Montgomery
me: y'all can call me Geonna
Ms: Wilson: Hey, i'm Lai or Ms. Wilson on the clock *laughs*
Mrs. Davis: Hey, i'm Arianna
me: nice to meet y'all
kyla: so y'all wanna get in one car or follow each other
me: lemme be honest. ion feel like driving *laughs*
Lai: baby i was finna say the same thing *laughs*
kyla: i think we should ride in the newlywed car.
me: newlywed?? congratulations Arianna
kyla: baby she be prancing that ring forever. i was sooo happy she got married cause wheww lawd.
arianna: guh fuck you *laughs* & thank you geonna. but y'all can ride in fin fin. come on *laughs*
we all get into arianna's car and this shit actually nice asf.
me: finna tell my baby daddy to get me a infinity as a push present *laughs*
lai: damn baby daddy got it like that?
arianna: baby i was finna say the same thing *laughs*
me: yeaa. my baby daddy is Lil baby.
kyla: i already knew *laughs* i'm sorry
lai: damnn. baby fine ass? shit girl you hit the fucking jackpot
arianna: okayyy. that's a fine nigga
kyla: umm remember you just got married like a month and a half ago. calm down
me: *laughs* he alright. but he a typical boy.
arianna: so y'all not together currently ?
me: nope. he cheated on me while i was taking care of my mother
lai: that's literally why i always say. niggas ain't shit!! *laughs*
me: but i actually have a boyfriend. and he is super sweet.
kyla: really? okkk. what's his name?
me: Daveon
the car gets super quiet and i see little glances amongst the girls as we pull into the parking lot of the place. maybe i said or did something wrong. i grab my purse and we all go inside and are quickly seated. however, it's weird amongst everyone.
me: i'm going to the restroom
they all nod as i get up. i go pee and wash my hands afterwards. as i come behind them i hear talking so i stand to listen
arianna: it might not even be the same person
kyla: exactly. you know how many niggas name Daveon it is in atlanta
lai: but it gotta be MY daveon. she looks like his type.
i walk to the table and sit down and they get quiet again.
me: so what i miss?
arianna: nothing
kyla: imma just say it. Arianna thinks you go with her ex Daveon.
me: oh i mean i'll show you a picture if you want me to
i show her a picture of us together and her face drops. i knew by her expression it was him.
me: umm. can i ask why y'all broke up?
arianna: i mean it was pretty recent. like a month or 2 ago. we was having some issues and he distanced himself from me. then he told me he found someone else and i'm guessing that was you.
me: i hope that doesn't make you feel a way towards me. and honestly, i don't know how much longer we gone talk. i'm seeing my baby daddy tonight and being around him just. i don't know. but i'll put you on a blind date if you ready to get over him girl
arianna: okay. i would like that honestly.
me: okay cool. i'll set you up with the details
kyla: glad we got that resolved! soo geonna, how is it to be pregnant by a rapper
me: baby honestly people think it's fun and all cause he got money and i'll be okay. but it's so much more. domonique is actually a sweet heart he just..idk honestly.
lai: could you see yourself being married to him?
me: yea possibly
arianna: y'all are honestly cute together. i seen y'all on the shade room
me: thank you. that's just something me and him have to work on.

they nod in agreement and we move on to the next subject. honestly, these girls are the type of people i need in my life. they are very funny and welcoming. i think i'll like this job. we spend the next hour or so talking before i have to accept the fact that i'm going to have to talk to Domonique later tonight.

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