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Geonna POV

It is now Thursday! I was so sleepy honestly all this waking up at 5 but I gotta get used to it. Today and Domonique are going on a date for the first time. I was nervous but ready at the same time. I don't have to go to work on Thursday and Friday but I have 2 classes on Thursday. Right now it is around 6:50 but I don't have class until 10:20 and another at 2. Hopefully my class at 2 cancels although it's only on zoom. I head to the kitchen and decide to make sausage and eggs. I put my food on the plate after cooking and go to the living room to watch The Breakfast Club. I sit and watch tv until I get done. I then get a text that comes through from keira.
Keira: hey girl wyd?
Me: girl nothing! probably about to get ready to go to class
Keira: okay okay! We should definitely have a girls day one day!
Me: yes we should! But idk when we could. I'm leaving out tomorrow morning to go back to Mississippi.
Keira: aww okay! Well Yk just text me when you can and be safe girl!
Me: I will for sure and thank you.
I smile because I'm really starting to like Keira. I put my phone down and go clean up the kitchen and decide to get in the shower after. When I get out, I throw on some ripped jeans and a PINK shirt with crocs. I grab my purse and bookbag as I head out the door. It's only 8:50 but I'mma head out anyway cause I need my coffee or some. I go out to my car and see Trey outside kissing on some girl. I laugh so loudly and he jumps and yells my name. I hope he knows I don't gaf. He yells out my name but I continue walking to my car and I get in. I really want a new car though! Don't get me wrong I'm grateful and I love my maxima but I really been wanting a BMW my wholeee life! Hopefully I can get it! I drive off towards Starbucks first because I want a venti caramel Frappuccino. They long ass line! When I made it, I was about the 5th car back and it was only 9:12 rn. I played my music while i waited in line to order.

It is now 9:40 and I'm 10 minutes away from school. I don't think I'll be late but if I am..oh well. This class was a speaking course though so I didn't believe it would be too long. She usually lets us out super early! I was soo ready to go home already and Ian even technically in the building. I'm also ready for me and Domonique date! I just really wanted to get cute really. After I got out of class for the day, I planned to go out to the mall and shop for me something to wear. I finally find a parking spot and sit there for a while before walking to the building. I'm so sleepy so I dead might take a nap before the date. I scroll on TikTok before I have to get out the car. I grab my bookbag from the backseat and purse and head out to the building.

I just got out of class and I was ready to go. We usually got out at 12 but instead today I got out at 11:30. I finally made it to the car and put all my stuff in. I might miss that 2:00 class, ain't like imma need it anyway. Just as I thought that, I get a message from my teacher saying class has been cancelled for the day and she will see us after the break and to complete our test by tomorrow night at 11:59. I chuckled to myself because I knew she would do that. I head to chic-fil-a and order a spicy chicken sandwich meal with large fry and a lemonade. I then head to the mall to start shopping for my date. I need some friends because why tf Ian going here with friends. I park outside the mall and eat my food before I go in. After I get done, I grab my purse and mask and my trash to throw it away and head inside the mall. I only wanted to go to Forever 21 really to see if they had a satin dress to wear cause I want it to hug my body right. I got undergarments and heels that I already wanna wear. When I go to floor 2, I see Asia with a group of females. She glances and stops in her tracks. I then see her walking towards me.
Asia: hey Ge
Me: hi
Asia: look I'm really sorry about how I been acting. I've had thoughts about how to apologize and I'm really sorry. Can we go like out to eat tonight or I could come over and cook it doesn't matter.
Me: I accept your apology but I'm actually going on a date tonight.
Asia: a date? huh
Me: is it a problem that I'm going on a date:
Asia: no it's just I haven't seen you on a date in a minute. Who is it with?
me: um a boy name Dominique. but I have to go find something to wear so I will talk to you later.
Asia:. Oh okay well me later on when you know it ends.
She smiles at me and heads back to the girls she was with. I silently rolled my eyes. What I look like telling her that I'm going on a date with lil baby. The rapper. Which is her favorite. I might tell her later on but right now, I don't know about. I go to forever 21 and find a perfect satin dress I was looking for. It hangs kind of low at the front but it hugs my body in the right way. I loved it. I went to checkout and paid for it and then headed back home. When I got home, I laid my dress on my bed and changed outta my clothes. I threw on shorts and a high school t-shirt. I made sure to lock my door and grabbed a blanket from the hall closet. It is only 2:56 and our date wasn't until 6. I grabbed my phone and set a timer for 4 which is when I plan to get dressed. I went to the living room and put on BET. Until i drifted off to sleep for the night!

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