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Geonna P.O.V

Its my graduation day. And honestly, I'm not feeling it. I'm trying to be strong because I can officially start my career after today but it kinda hurts not having Domonique with me. I get up out of my bed at my new house. I honestly am loving the space and environment here but I wish it could have the home vibe. I head to my bathroom and wash my face. graduation is at 2 and it is currently 8:16. my makeup appointment is at 10 and i have to be at the school between 12:30-1:00. i start my shower water and strip out of my night clothes. i get in the shower and stay in about 15 minutes. i get out and wrap my towel around me. i walk back to my room and look for some clothes to throw on to go to my appointment. i put on some nike tights with a 4pf shirt that i took from domonique a while ago. just wearing the shirt makes me miss him. i shake it off and head to the kitchen. i cut on the tv because i hate being in a quiet house. my family were all at hotels but they would meet me there of course. I was craving cinnamon rolls so i was going to make me some with bacon and eggs. i grab the roll out of my cabinet and a pan and put the cinnamon rolls on it as i preheat the oven. after the oven heats up, i put the cinnamon rolls in and begin working on my bacon and eggs. i hear my phone ring in my room so i go and grab and for 50th time, this is Domonique. i decline the call. i really wish he would get the hint that i'm over us. but that also includes me getting rid of everything attached to him. i grab a plate and put my bacon, eggs, and cinnamon rolls on it. i go sit on the couch and eat as well as take vitamins for my baby. after eating, i take everything to my sink and wash everything and put it on the rack to dry. i look at the time and see 9:01. the only thing i have left to do is to curl my hair then pin curl it. so i quickly get to it. after i finish that, i look at the time and see 9:25. it's time to be otw to my makeup appointment. i put on some crocs, grab my purse, cut off my tvs, & then grab my keys. i planned on giving domonique his car back today too. i get into the car just to enjoy my last time with the car. i drive off to my makeup appointment.

I left my makeup appointment and get back in the car. I loved my makeup. I drive back to my apartment so i can begin to get dressed. it's only 11:30 but by time i make it home, it will be 12 & i have to take down my hair and get dressed. i pull back into my driveway and get out. i unlock my door and go inside. i walk back to my room and grab my dress out of my closet and put it on. i then go back into my bathroom and take my pin curls out my hair. i lotion my body and put my heels on. i grab my cap and gown as well as some sandals to leave in the car. i grab my perfume and spray myself as i begin to walk out of my house and back to my car.

The time has come! It is now time for me to graduate. The music plays as we all walk to our seats. i begin to get teary eyed because the moment is finally here. We sit down by our name and I'm super excited to hear my name. I begin to tune out everything until my row is called to line up next. i get in line and wait excitedly. soon, i'm next up.
announcer: Geonna Magee
i hear beaucoup screaming as i walk across the stage and shake hands with the president. i'm super elated right now! i go back to my seat and sit down as i wait on the ceremony to be complete.

I HAVE OFFICIALLY GRADUATED. i make my way to my family with a hugeee smile on my face. however, the smile quickly leaves when i see who is sitting with them.
me: what you doing here.
domonique: you knew i was gone be here to support you. congratulations baby.
he has flowers in his hand with a smile on his face.
me: are you really serious right now Domonique?
domonique: what you knew i would be here to support you geonna?
me: get the fuck i promise.
mama: Geonna i raised you better than to cuss around me
me: i'm sorry mama but..wait. he didn't tell y'all what he did?
alisha: no what he do ?
domonique: don't please
me: you know what. it's not even important. let's just go out to eat. domonique go home. i mean. i have nothing for you or nothing that i want to do with you.
i walk away from them and head back to my car.
dj: wait. can i ride with you?
me: yea. come on
i get back to my car and crank it up and headed to where we were eating at.

The dinner was alright. it was kind of awkward because everyone was questioning me about Domonique but i didn't answer anyone. i go back to my house. when i walk in, i look for some clothes to change into. i put on some tights and a old family reunion t shirt. I was going to be giving domonique his car back today too. I go outside to clean everything out of the car. i grab my phone and call Keria.
keira: hello
me: hey i need a favor.
keira: wassup
me: can you trail me to domonique's house? i'm giving him his car back today.
keira: girl yes of course. i'm on my way now. give me like 5 minutes
me: okay bet. thank you
keira: girl always *hangs up*

i exhaled slowly as i was mentally preparing myself for this. i decided i was going to talk to him and let him know that i was pregnant but that i didn't need anything. however, as i'm deep in thought i hear a horn blow outside my house meaning that was keira. damn that bitch was speeding. i grab the keys and go outside. i get in the car and back away towards domonique house. once i make it there, i knock on the door with the keys in my hand.
domonique: ge-
me: listen this ain't no back and forth conversation. i'm just here to return your keys to the car. i loved you domonique and it hurt me bad to see another woman in the bed. OUR bed with you. I am aware i still have clothes in your house. i'll ask jas to receive them and bring them to me. as far as us this is over. no i don't want to rekindle. i don't want to work on our relationship. it was fun while it lasted but  as bad as i want to be done with you, i can't. as a matter of fact, i have to deal with you another 18 years.
i go into my pocket and pull out one of the many pregnancy tests i have taken.
me: congratulations again. daddy
i turn around and head to keira's car.
domonique: WAIT. you can't just tell me something like this and walk away geonna. i wanna be there for my child.
i turn around and face him again.
me: you will. our baby is due December 14th. see you at the hospital then.
i turn away and get into keira's car trying my hardest to fight back the tears in my eyes.

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