Nightmares (oneshot-DxE)

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(Evelyn lives with Kenji and the Bowman's because her dad didn't have a house so Mrs Bowman agreed to let her and Kenji live with her. -Best mom award!- they luckily had two guest rooms and that's where Kenji and Ev sleep. I hope this clears up any confusion that could happen when reading this!)

*pant* *pant* *pant*



I gotta keep running. It's after me.



Come on! Keeping going!

"Ah!" I yelled as I tripped over a branch. I grunted as I hit the ground and rolled over onto my side to gasp for breathe.


I gasped and rolled onto my back to stare up at what was chasing me. The Indominus. I gasped as it lowered itself onto its front arms and snarled at me as it put its face right in front of mine. I started to hyperventilate as tears flowed down my cheeks as this beast seemed to cackle at me. It suddenly looked to the right and I hesitantly followed its gaze and gasped at what it was glaring at.


I tried to scream at him to run but my voice didn't work. The Indominus turned back and smirked at me before raising and charging at Darius. I tried to scream but still nothing came out. Darius tried to run but his feet were stuck in quicksand that was up to his knees. The Indominus stopped in front of him and smirked tauntingly at me one more time before opening its mouth and chomping down on Darius.

"NOOO!!!" I screamed. The sickening sound of bones crunching was heard before the Indominus swallowed Darius's body and turned to me. It took slow antagonizing steps towards me before stopping and staring down at me. I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes as it roared at me before chomping down on me.

"EVELYN WAKE UP!!!" Someone yelled. I gasped as I sprung up, shaking heavily. I jerked away when someone laid a hand on my shoulder but when I turned I flung myself onto the person and held them in a death grip hug.

"Darius!" I gasped as as I hugged him and cried.

"Shhh. You're okay, E. You're okay." Darius shushed me as he wrapped his arms around me and slowly rocked us back and forth.

"I-I thought w-were......" I choked on my breath as I sobbed.

"I'm here, E. I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here." Darius assured me. He took one of my hands that were wrapped around his body and placed it on his chest, right above his heart. The soothing vibration of his heart thumbing ran through my hand and I found myself calming down as I continued to feel his heart beat. I hesitantly leaned forward and pressed my head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. I sighed as I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms back around him, continuing to listen to his heart prove to me that he was here and that he was alive. After a few minutes of us just sitting there with me listening to his heartbeat, Darius slowly fell back onto my bed and dragged me with him, placing my head on his chest.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He whispered. I hummed but stayed quiet for a few minutes before taking a deep breath and beginning to tell him what my nightmare was.

"I was back on Nublar. Alone. Getting chased by the Indominus. It was chasing me through the jungle when I tripped on a branch and fell to the ground. It had me trapped but suddenly you had appeared and it went after you. I tried to scream at you, tell you to run, but I couldn't get any sound out of my mouth. You were trapped in quicksand and it taunted me as it circled you, preparing to......." I stopped to take a deep breath before continuing. "It smirked at me before devouring you. The sound of bones breaking and your scream was the only thing I could hear. After it was done with you, it came back to me and did the same thing. Thing was, I accepted it and allowed it to kill me. There was no fight in my body. You were gone and I seen no point in living. So I let it kill me." I whispered. Darius wrapped his arms tighter around me as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"You will never loose me, E. Never. I'm going to be by your side for as long as I live. I'm never leaving you." Darius said.

"Never?" I asked."

"Never." Darius nodded.

"But what if another girl comes. One that's better than me?" I questioned.

"I'll still stay with you. Because there is no one better than you. We have survived together on an island full of dinosaurs, another island full of dinosaurs that a psycho wanted to use for dino fights, and an evil business man that continuously tried to kill us. And you've stayed with me through all of that. That is all I need. You by my side." Darius promised. I picked my head up and stared at him, taking in his features. He was older looking than what happened on Nublar and Mantah Corp island two years ago. His hair was growing a little longer, his face beginning to grow longer and sharpen. He was maturing. And it definitely suited him.

"I love you." I mumbled.

"I love you too." Darius mumbled back. He gave me a sweet kiss before placing my head back on his chest and covering us with the blanket. I listened to his heartbeat as my eyes started to flutter close. Within minutes I was out, Darius following after me.

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