Taking Control

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I was sitting on the ground with Wonder sleeping in my lap as I watched Angel and the baby Brachy play and chase each other around.

"Oh, you like it out here. Yes, you do! We'll never let them coop you up again." Sammy cooed at Angel.

"Yeah. You're free to do what you want now. Which is apparently eat every berry in sight." Yaz giggled. She was then knocked to the ground when the baby Brachy ran into her. Yaz groaned but chuckled when the baby Brachy stood above her and grunted at her.

"Come on. We better get them to the cave." Ben said as he held an armful of branches that head berries and leaves on them that the baby Brachy tried to get. "It's probably the only safe place for them." The baby Brachy the knocked over Ben and stole a stick but Angel grabbed it and tugged on it before she fell over. Yaz laughed as Sammy helped Angel back to her feet. "Guess I better restock before we go."

"Did you see that? It's so cute when Angel and...the other one. Ben, you gotta give her a name." Sammy said.

"Nah-uh. If I don't name her, I won't get attached. Then it won't hurt so much when I have to leave her behind. Been there, done that." Ben explained.

"I.....didn't even think of that." I said as I looked down at the sleeping Wonder.

"Oh, Ben." Sammy sighed.

"If you ever wanna talk about Bumpy, you know you just have to-"

"There's nothing to talk about. She's there and I'm here." Ben cut Yaz off. "Just saying, you've been warned. I'm gonna go find more berries." Ben said before walking off. The baby Brachy screeched after Ben before turning and screeching at us. I turned pack to Wonder and started stroking her back, causing her to gurgle in her sleep. Sammy and Yaz continued to pet Angel until Ben came back with sticks. "Where is the other one?" He asked when he didn't see the baby Brachy.

"We thought she was with you." Yaz said before Sammy gasped and pointed behind Ben. We turned to see a BRAD-X scanning the area with others with it. We quickly hid before the BRAD-X could see us.

"Get Angel and Wonder somewhere safe!" Ben ordered before he ran off into the jungle. I put Wonder into my backpack before carefully putting it on my back and strapping it to me. I then helped Sammy and Yaz herd Angel to the cave Mae was. I sat inside with Wonder in my lap while Sammy and Yaz were feeding Angel outside. I looked out at the sound of Yaz's grunt to see her get knocked over by the other hybrid.

"Uh, he's just, um, a little charged up." Brooklyn said as she walked up with Kenji.

"Sure." Yaz shrugged.

"Good girl! Such a little angel." Sammy said as she fed Angel more leaves and berries.

"Get inside now!" Ben yelled as he ran up. I picked Wonder up and held her in my arms as I joined the others. "Kash did it. With the chips. He got her and now he's controlling her. She tried to fight it, but she.....she couldn't. He hurt Mae. He hurt Darius. He's gonna keep hurting anything that gets in his way. I had to leave one dinosaur behind and I'm never doing it again. Enough is enough. We have to take Kash down." Ben explained. He then picked up Mae's tablet so he could speak through BRAD-X to Darius.

"Guys, the control chip works." We heard Darius say.

"We know. I got a plan, Darius. Listen up." Ben said then explained the plan to Darius. He then rounded us up to explain the plan to us. "So, after we lure Kash into the forest biome, we get him to the waterfall cave. Then, I hit that sucker with a surprise shot of knockout gas. Well, technically, Darius' BRAD will, once I activate it from the tablet. Then we lock Kash inside Mae's old quarters. Done. Darius is already on board. Everyone else ready?" Ben explained the plan.

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