Evasive Action

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We were all lounging around in our pens. Darius was staring intently at the clock, Yaz was doing sit ups, Ben was messing with a sharp bone, Sammy was chewing nervously on her nails, and Brooklyn was just sitting still with her knees pulled to her chest and her head resting on them. I was laying on my back with Wonder laying beside me.

"He left us." Brooklyn mumbled and everyone stopped what they were doing, except me and Darius. "I can't believe he just left us. I don't get it."

"Why would Kenji do this?" Yaz asked.

"You think you know a guy." Ben sighed.

"Yeah, what you all said. What do you think, Dar...-" Sammy was cut off by Darius.

"Four, three, two, one." Darius mumbled before he looked at the nursery entrance just as the door opened and a BRAD-X walked in. Its eyes turned green as it scanned the room before its eyes went blue and it stopped scanning the room.

"All accounted for." The BRAD-X said before it left the nursery with the door closing behind it.

"All right, guys. That BRAD patrols every half hour. Which means we have 30 minutes to find a way outta here." Darius informed.

"Smart." I grinned at Darius before I stood up and started looking around my cell.

Sammy and Brooklyn were trying to pry the doors to their pen open while Yaz held up Ben as he struggled to reach a vent.

"Come on!" Sammy groaned.

"Open!" Brooklyn yelled. They eventually let go and panted as the placed their hands on their knees.

"Oh, uh, a little to the left. Yeah, okay, maybe if I can get my foot on this I.....whoa!" Ben yelled as he and Yaz fell to the ground. I looked over to see Sammy and Brooklyn run over to them to see if they were okay.

"Maybe next time you don't step on my face?" Yaz suggested to Ben.

"Sorry, when I said left, I thought you'd go left. My bad." Ben laughed. I watched as Darius frowned as he grabbed a handful of blueberries and ate some before starting to toss them into a food bowl but they just rolled out and towards a drain.

"There's gotta be a way out. Think." I heard Darius mumble. I went to turn back to looking around my pen when the realization hit. I whirled back around and stared at the drain that Darius's blueberries rolled to.

"Darius! You genius!" I grinned.

"Huh?" He said as he looked at me confused. The others were to distracted talking to each other to notice me and Darius.

"The drain! You could use the drain!" I pointed at said thing that the blueberries were on. His eyes widened before they narrowed in determination and he grabbed the sharp bone Ben was messing with earlier to try and pry open the drain.

"Hey, Darius, I know this whole Kenji thing must be hard.....what are you doing?" Brooklyn asked as she walked over.

"Finding a way outta here." Darius said as he finally opened the panel that had the drain. The others ran over and gagged as they covered their noses.

"Why does it smell so bad?" Sammy asked.

"Uh, pretty sure this is a sewer." Yaz said. We heard the footsteps of a BRAD approaching and they quickly put the panel back while acting like they weren't doing anything. The BRAD walked into the room and its eyes turned green as it scanned the room.

"All accounted for." The BRAD said before its eyes returned to white and it left with the door closing behind it. Darius quickly opened the panel but had to cough at the smell.

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