A Shock to the System

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"How you feeling?" Yaz asked Sammy, who was sitting up while resting a hand on her side that used to have the quills in it.

"Like I got punched in the stomach by a porcupine. So, you know, better." Sammy answered. We all smiled at her before Darius stood up and looked at the sky.

"Let's get to the boat while there's a break in the storm." Darius said.

"What about the Scorpius Rex?" Brooklyn asked.

"We have to risk it. We might now get another chance." Darius said. We started to gather the supplies and anything we needed. Kenji tied vines around a barrel so he could wear it had a backpack, Darius gather all the dino walkie-talkies, Brooklyn gathered all the food into bags but looked around before tossing a can a carob away. Me and Darius had just walked up to her when she did that causing her to gasp when she seen us. "It was the right call." Darius said as he tossed her a walkie-talkie. "Can't take everything." Darius shrugged before walking off with me and Brooklyn giving him a 'really' look. I went back to stocking my backpack and grabbing bags filled with food, bandages, and other things but after a few minutes Brooklyn called out to us.

"Uh......where's Ben?" Brooklyn asked. We decided to go search for him in the jungle.

"Ben?" Kenji called.

"Ben!" Brooklyn yelled. "Bumpy ran off 'cause of Scorpius Rex. Ben's probably going after her."

"Then I am going after him." Darius decided.

"Dude!" Kenji yelled.

"Anyone else see the irony?" Yaz asked as she supported Sammy so she didn't fall.

"Fine, let's go. The sooner we get Ben, the sooner we get out of here." Brooklyn said.

"We can't risk all of us. The Scorpius is still out there. I'm going alone." Darius decided.

"Again? You don't always have to do everything alone." Brooklyn said.

"He's not going alone. I'm going with him." I spoke up.

"No. Stay with the others. Get to the boat. If Ben and I aren't there by sunrise, well, you know what that means. And you leave without us." Darius ordered.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"Dude!" Kenji yelled.

"No way!" Sammy agreed with the rest of us. Darius then shushed us and pointed behind us.

"Shh! Over there." Darius whispered. We turned to see what he was pointing at but we didn't see anything.

"I don't see anything." Kenji whispered. "Darius? Darius?" We turned back around to see that Darius had run off.

"He tricked us!" I growled.

"Okay, yeah. Picking up on that irony thing you were talking about." Brooklyn said to Yaz.

"What do we do now?" Sammy asked.

"We go to the boat." Kenji sighed.

"Kenji's right. It's too dangerous for us to stay out here. We'll gather the supplies and go to the boat. We'll just have to trust that Darius can find Ben and make it to the dock." I explained, pushing down the worry and fear that was rising in me. "Brooklyn, use the walkie-talkie to see if you can reach Darius." Brooklyn nodded before grabbing her walkie-talkie and talking into it while we made our way back to camp.

"Darius? Darius, do you copy? Darius?" Brooklyn asked but we only received static.

"He must have turned his walkie-talkie off. That idiot." I mumbled. We walked into camp and immediately grabbed the supplies. Kenji carried the water barrel as a backpack so it was easier, I strapped my backpack onto my back before me and Brooklyn carried bags of supplies, and Yaz supported Sammy so she could walk. I glanced around the camp to see if we forgot anything or needed anything else. "I think that's it. Let's get to the boat." The others nodded before we started walking through the jungle towards the dock.

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