S3 View from the Top

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We had built raft and were now sailing away from the island. We were laughing and cheering, happy to finally leave. We we were sailing, we all turned to stare at the island.

"Goodbye, Jurassic World." Darius said. Bumpy then came through the tress and stood on a rock while bellowing at us. Rexy then joined her. After the Tiff and Mitch accident, I managed to rebefriend Rexy again and now she kinda lives with us. Or did until we left.

"Goodbye, Rexy." I murmured.

"Goodbye, Bumpy." Ben said sadly. Me and Darius put a comforting hand on Ben's shoulder until Kenji started laughing.

"See ya never, stupid Dino Island! You thought you could eat us? No way! You thought you could stomp on us? Think again!" Kenji yelled.

"Yeah! You thought you could crush our spirits? Impossible!" Sammy yelled, too. She and Kenji then high fived each other while cheering.

"To be fair, the island did crush my spirit. But then I defeated Toro." Ben said.

"Not again." Yaz groaned.

"Well, Bumpy likes it when I tell it." Ben said before our raft rocked harshly, causing us to scream a little.

"Um......guys?" Brooklyn called. We turned to see a huge wave racing towards us. "Everyone, secure the vines!"

"How?" Yaz asked.

"I don't know. Pull on them?" Brooklyn questioned.

"You said you had raft experience!" Yaz yelled.

"I said some raft experience. Some!" Brooklyn corrected.

"Oh! So only some of us will die." Yaz said.

"The wind's strong. We can power through." Brooklyn said before our sail was blown away in the wind. We all looked at the looming wave and screamed. The wave crashed onto us, destroying our raft, and washing us up on shore.

"Everyone alright?" I asked.

"Never better." Yaz mumbled. We all sighed before walking through the jungle, back to camp.

"Bumpy? Bumpy, we're back! Bumpy?" Ben called.

"Rexy? Rexy?" I yelled. The others continued to walk into camp while me and Ben stayed when we heard leaves rustling and footsteps.

"Bumpy? Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Ben yelled as Bumpy lightly knocked Ben over.

"Rexy!" I smiled as she walked through the trees. She dropped her head to my level so I could hug her. "I missed you, girl." I said while hugging her.

"Circle up, guys! Camp meeting!" Darius yelled. Rexy and Bumpy groaned while pressing their heads closer to me and Ben.

"Don't worry. I'll be right back." Ben assured Bumpy.

"I'll see you in a minute, Rexy." I said before kissing her nose and walking over to the ladder. I followed Ben up the ladder before leaving against a pole while Darius talked.

"Okay, on the plus side, still no sign of Compies around camp, so that's good. On the minus side, raft escape attempt number one was......." Darius trailed off trying to find the right word.

"Wet." Kenji blunted.

"Bad?" Yaz questioned.

"Didn't work." Brooklyn added.

"It wasn't a total disaster." Darius tried to stay optimistic.

"Um, we lost the raft and almost drowned. How is that not a disaster?" Sammy asked.

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