Out of the Pack

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We were sitting in the living room of Mae's cave as we ate food and planned on how to ruin Kon's plan with the chips.

"When Mr. Kon comes back, he's gonna want the rest of the control chips." Darius said.

"We gotta destroy them." Brooklyn said.

"Yeah. And get rid of any blueprints or files so he can't make more." Yaz added.

"Where do you think the files are?" Sammy asked.

"My best guess is Kash's computer. Okay, Brooklyn, E, and I will go to Kash's office and delete those files. Sammy, Yaz, and Ben, you go to the workshop and destroy the chips." Darius ordered.

"Actually........I think I've moved beyond pure destruction. I wanna be on Team Delete the Blueprints." Ben said.

"Really?" Darius questioned in disbelief.

"What happened to 'explosions are my thing'?" Brooklyn grinned.

"Hey, don't put me in a box. A man can evolve." Ben shrugged.

"Then I'm on Team Destroy the Chips. I wanna blow destroy something." I grinned evilly while rubbing my hands together.

"You've been hanging out to much with Ben when he liked destruction." Darius pointed at me.

"What can I say? Two great minds think alike." I grinned while nudging Ben.

"What do you say to a friendly competition?" Yaz suggested as she helped Sammy up and I walked to stand beside them.

"Like a race? I say you're on." Darius grinned as his team stood up.

"Ooh, I like the sound of that. I can't wait to blow the chips and workshop to smithereens." Sammy said as she copied my earlier action of grinning evilly while rubbing her hands together.

"That's my girl!" I cheered while fist bumping Sammy.

"There's two of them." Brooklyn groaned.

"Or maybe we don't start a massive chemical fire inside the biome." Yaz suggested.

"Good call." Sammy giggled. "I don't know what I'd do without you. Camp fire on the cliffs outside?" Sammy asked everyone.

"We'll meet you, or should I say, beat you there." Brooklyn grinned.

"Losers roast the marshmallows." Ben said and slammed the package of marshmallows down on the table.

"Excellent. We ready?" Darius grinned. This just got so competitive. Good. We all grinned at each other competitively as we prepared ourselves.

"On your marks......get set......go!" I yelled before we all took off running out of the cave.

Yaz, Sammy, and I had snuck into the warehouse and hid behind boxes so a BRAD didn't see us. I had left Wonder in Mae's cave since I didn't want her getting hurt. We snuck behind crates and boxes as we followed the BRAD.

"Hey, Yaz, E. Nobody's on the island but us, right?" Sammy questioned quietly.

"Right." Yaz and I whispered.

"And we said these repair BRADs aren't lethal, right?" Sammy questioned again.

"Right." Yaz nodded.

"So why are we hidin'?" Sammy asked in her normal voice as she walked out of hiding.

"You make a good point." Yaz said. We walked out of hiding and walked to a table. Sammy picked up an earpiece and grimaced.

"Kash's. Oh, this is definitely goin' in the fire." Sammy said and Yaz giggled while I smiled. Yaz then opened a case to reveal the control chips.

"This goes against everything Mae believes. Can't believe Kon made her work on these control chips." Yaz said in disgust.

"He's......actually, I can't think of a word bad enough to describe him. I hope she's okay." Sammy said as she thought about Mae.

"Ready to start a bonfire?" Yaz asked.

"Yes." Sammy said as she tossed Kash's earpiece into the case and Yaz closed it.

"Definitely." I grinned.

"Man, this was way easier than I thought. Plus side, we're gonna win by a mile. On the other hand, we're gonna have to wait forever for those marshmallows." Sammy sighed.

"Well, I can't think of something to keep us busy while we wait." Yaz grinned as she picked up a crowbar and stared at a BRAD walking by. I grinned too and picked up my own crowbar.

"Wait. We said they're not lethal." Sammy said.

"But they fix the ones that are." Yaz pointed out.

"Hmm, you make a good point." Sammy grinned.

"Great. Let's get to smashing and bashing." I smirked as we headed after the BRAD. We walked up to it with raised crowbars and hit it a few times before it suddenly powered down.

"I think we broke them." Sammy said.

"Then it won't hurt for us to let off some steam." I grinned at them. Yaz and Sammy grinned back before we started beating the BRAD.

It was sunset and Yaz, Sammy, and I were walking through the forest while carrying sticks for the bonfire, the marshmallows, and the case we were going to burn. I had ran back to the cave to grab Wonder and my backpack before meeting back up with Yaz and Sammy.

"Sometimes, it's hard to believe how beautiful this forest really is." Yaz said.

"I'm sorry, say what now?" Sammy questioned with a grin.

"I just mean, this place would be kind of amazing if there weren't killer dinosaurs everywhere." Yaz said.

"Maybe someday we'll get to go to a real forest together." Sammy smiled.

"You'd really go camping with me? After all this?" Yaz asked.

"Just try and stop me." Sammy chuckled while nudging Yaz with her shoulder.

It was night now and Yaz, Sammy, and I were sitting around the bonfire. I was on a fallen tree across from them with Wonder laying next to me with her head in my lap while I stroke her head.

"I'm so happy we won." Sammy said as she grabbed some control chips from the case. "Of course, I couldn't have done it without the best partners in the world." Sammy chuckled before throwing the chips into the fire.

"I think maybe it was just a super easy race." Yaz said as she tossed more chips into the fire.

"Stop that. You know you're always a winner." Sammy smiled at Yaz. Yaz smiled back as she and Sammy stared into each other's eyes. I watched with a grin and a knowing look before turning at the sound of Darius and Brooklyn's laugh.

"Hmm, looks like the losers finally decided to show." Yaz grinned. Darius sat on me left with Brooklyn on his left then on her left.

"Okay. That chip burn was definitely the easier job." Ben said.

"Mission accomplished, though?" Sammy asked.

"Well, we were almost robot food, but we deleted the blueprints." Darius said.

"And then shut down all the BRADs, and changed the password to the system. The Kons are officially locked out." Brooklyn grinned and high-fived Darius and Ben.

"Honestly, I don't know if we really lost at all." Darius shrugged but Yaz, Sammy, and I just stared at them with grins and a raised eyebrow.

"Well, let's get to roastin', boys!" Brooklyn said as she handed Darius and Ben sticks with marshmallows on them.

"Definitely could've been worse." Ben said.

"It was kind of fun. Besides the surprise BRAD attack, of course." Darius added.

"The night's not over. Why don't we play another game? How about Two Truths and a Lie?" Brooklyn suggested.

"Ooh, yeah! I'm in!" Ben cheered. We all laughed as we took turns telling two truths and a lie.

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