Casa De Kenji

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"Hurry up, Darius. With the engine off, we're gonna get swept out to sea or smashed on the rocks." Kenji told Darius, who was adding more duck tape over the hole in the side of the boat. He had a rope around his waist that Yaz, Sammy, and I were holding only so he didn't fall into the water.

"All right, pull me up." Darius called up to us. We all grunted as we pulled him up and onto the deck. "We gotta fix that hole or the gas would be the least of our problems."

"I thought having no GPS was the least of our problems." Kenji said as he slid down the ladder.

"Yeah, and, uh, not to add to the doom and gloom but......pretty sure we're also sinking." Yaz said as the boat rocked a bit.

"Nah. We're just riding low in the water 'cause of, uh........" Kenji trailed off as we turned to look at Bumpy.

"Do not listen to him. You're perfect the way you are." Ben whispered to Bumpy. "Isn't there some non-dino-infested dock we can get to?" Ben asked us.

"The closest one is on the other side of the island. We'll never make it. We're doomed and gloomed." Brooklyn sighed as she looked at a map of the island.

"Ha! Hold up! There is another dock not far from here. A private dock that's not on any map. The dock near the P-house!" Kenji said.

"I went before we left." Ben said.

"No, not dad's penthouse! There's a private pier and everything!" Kenji explained.

"And you're just now telling us this?" Yaz asked.

"Okay, well, maybe I forgot. But now, we have a magic keycard to get inside so......meh." Kenji said.

"That penthouse could have everything we need." Darius said.

"Will have everything we need." Kenji corrected. "My dad loves boats. He's got all sorts of nautical junk."

"To the P-house!" Darius yelled.

"To the P-house!" We all cheered. Darius, Kenji, Brooklyn, and I went to the cockpit while everyone else scattered to different places. We watched Kenji drive the boat before docking it at the private dock.

"That's it. That's the last of the gas." Darius said.

"Totally worth it 'cause you're about to see the most exclusive spot on the island." Kenji said. He lead us off the boat and over to some scooter like things. They're like the things cops ride on at the mall. We each rode on one, except Ben who rode on Bumpy. "At the penthouse, we travel in style. It's only a short ride away. Cool, huh? Thanks to B's magic keycard opening every door on the island, I'll finally get to show you guys my home away from home!" Kenji grinned. We then gasped as we seen a dino walking through the forest beside us. We stopped and stared at it as it looked at us. "Uh, Darius, Evelyn?"

"It's just a Monolophosaurus. They're loners. Pretty much keep to themselves." Darius explained before me and him continued driving forward.

"Then, onward! Paradise awaits!" Kenji said before the others followed Darius and I. We then slowed to a stop and gasped at the size of Kenji's dad's penthouse. "Pretty cool, right? Wait till you see the inside." We then drove closer before parking and getting off our scooters.

"Looks pretty clear. We get in, get what we need, and get out." Darius ordered.

"We're here girl." Ben said to Bumpy as he jumped off her back. "No offense but it's not really her kind of place."

"No offense, but she's an 8,000-pound dinosaur who will totally trash my pad, so, yeah, totes not happening anyway." Kenji said as he and the rest of us walked over to the door. Brooklyn got out her keycard before opening the door. We opened the door and walked in before seeing a bunch of stairs. Everyone groaned before walking up the stairs. After who knows how many stairs, we finally reached the top and opened the door while panting.

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