The Core

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(Obviously skipping 'Clean Break' since the campers don't have any scenes.)


I was standing beside Ben as I fed Wonder some meat and Ben tried to feed Rebel some leaves but Rebel wouldn't eat them and just shrieked at Ben in protest.

"Oh, really spoiled you with all those berries, huh? Don't worry. She'll be back soon." Ben said to Rebel before we heard panting. "Huh?" Ben and I turned to see Yaz run through the bushes before jumping over Ben as he screamed. "You okay, Fadoula?" Ben asked but Yaz just started laughing. "Seriously. You okay?"

"I forgot how good it feels to run. I mean, really run. For fun, and not because something is chasing us." Yaz laughed as she laid down beside Angel with her arms behind her head.

"Can't say I can relate, but I'm glad you had a good time." Ben said as he laid against Rebel.

"Yeah, Yaz. It's good to see you relaxed." I smiled at her as I stretched to prepare myself for my own exercise. Dad wouldn't like it if I quit working out. Plus I enjoy it.

"Better than good." Yaz chuckled. "Being out there gave me the space to think. I'm gonna do it, Ben, Ev. I'm gonna tell Sammy how I feel." Yaz said.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, I'm so happy for you." Ben cheered.

"Yes!" I squealed before covering my mouth with my hands while Ben and Yaz sent me shocked looks. "We don't talk about the sound that came out of my mouth. Ever." Ben and Yaz continued to stare at me before Ben snapped back into focus.

"How? When?" Ben asked Yaz eagerly.

"No idea. I'll just.....I'll do it when the time is right, you know?" Yaz said.

"Well, how about now?" Ben asked as he looked at Sammy as she dragged a large piece of meat to a pile of meat for the Eatie's. We got up to follow her and watched as Sammy stared at the Eatie's eating. Yaz stared at Sammy nervously and Ben and I placed our hands on her shoulders and sent her reassuring smiles. Yaz took a deep breathe before walking over to Sammy. We couldn't hear what Yaz and Sammy were saying but we watched as they smiled at each other. I snorted when Big Eatie and Little Eatie tore apart a piece of meat and pieces of it flew onto Yaz and Sammy and landed on their clothes and in their hair. Sammy laughed at something Yaz said while picking the pieces of meat out of Yaz's hair and clothes. Yaz was about to say something when rustling was heard behind us and Brooklyn and Darius appeared. "Oh, hey, Brooklyn and Darius. Uh, fancy seeing you here." Ben said nervously as he tried, and failed, to get Brooklyn and Darius to stay away.

"At the meet-up spot? Yeah, who saw that coming?" Darius said sarcastically.

"You guys couldn't stay away for a few more minutes could you?" I groaned while facepalming. Darius sent me a confused look but I just shook my head at him.

"Hey, guys." Sammy greeted as she stood up and walked over to us. "Any luck?"

"Yup. I managed to set up a drone to patrol the perimeter of the island. Now we'll get an alert as someone as the Kons return." Brooklyn explained.

"Nice. And we made sure all the dinos had something to eat, so they won't go after each other." Sammy explained as she wrapped an arm around Yaz's shoulders. "We did that. I don't mean to brag. Except I do, because it's beautiful, and we should be proud."

"You're right." Darius nodded. "Not that there's anyone around to appreciate it."

"Time to change that." Brooklyn said as she hit a button on the tablet and walked backwards to aim the tablet at us. "Whoever's watching this, get ready to be amazed by these guys. Some of the most incredible people I have ever met."

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