Staying Alive

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I was so focused on Big Eatie and Pierce's fight that I hadn't noticed that Kash had came back and went into the compound. Pierce charged at Big Eatie and hit her head up before Big Eatie snapped her jaws at Pierce and roared at him. Big Eatie and Pierce tried to run away, but the drones zapped them and kept them from doing so. I spotted the others a little bit away from me and I crept over to them.

"What's going on? Why isn't Darius and E stopping this?" Sammy questioned. They hadn't noticed I joined them.

"Darius made me stay and 'hide' because he didn't want Kash to get his hands on me. I don't know why he hasn't stopped the fight yet." I explained, causing the others to jump. Big Eatie snapped her jaws at Pierce before he swung hit tail and hit her in the head.

"There was a bunch of BRADs. We had to take cover." Kenji explained.

"We lost sight of Kash." Brooklyn said.

"That means he could be in there with Darius." Sammy gasped. I went to move forward but Ben grappled me and held me in place.

"Let go." I growled.

"No. You'll only get yourself killed if you run out there." Ben growled back. We watched as Big Eatie and Pierce continued to take swings at each other before Pierce swung his tail at Big Eatie and one of the spikes in his tail broke off and got stuck in hers, causing her to roar in pain.

"What can we do? Big Eatie and Pierce are gonna kill each other." Sammy whispered. We all looked between each other before they turned to me and Brooklyn.

"The drones are forcing them together. Split up." I ordered.

"We need to knock 'em out of the sky so Pierce can get away." Brooklyn finished. We all split up to try and knock the drones out of the sky. Kenji managed to hit one with a branch while Yaz through a rock at one and they both went down. I climbed into a tree and swung a branch at another and it went down. I grinned before climbing down and running to the others.

"Three down." Kenji grinned. We watched in horror as Big Eatie bit into Pierce's back before flinging him onto his side.

"Pierce!" Ben yelled.

"No!" Sammy gasped.

"Come on. Get up!" Brooklyn urged. We watched Big Eatie walk over and glare down at Pierce, her jaws drilling with his blood. I had to turn away and cover my ears when Big Eatie roared and went to finish Pierce.

"Is it over?" I questioned, not turning around.

"The fight......stopped." Yaz said. I turned around and watched as the drones herded Big Eatie onto what looked like a big feeding platform before two BRADs sprayed gas at her and she fell asleep. We all breathed a sigh of relief as the fight was stopped.

"Wonder why he stopped them." Ben said. We shrugged before turning to stare at the compound. We watched for a while before Kash left the compound with Darius and two BRADs at his sides.

"At least he's alive?" Sammy said. Always the optimistic one.

"For now." Yaz said. I frowned and looked down. I was scared for what Kash could do to Darius. I looked up at the touch of someone's hand on my shoulder my eyes met with Ben's.

"He'll be alright. Darius is tough." Ben assured me.

"I hope you're right." I sighed. We followed Brooklyn and Yaz as they peeked through leaves to see the metal platform that Kash, Darius, and the two BRADs were on with Big Eatie, start to lower into the ground.

"No! Where is he taking Darius? Mae might know where they went." Brooklyn said before she ran off. I took one last glance at the place Darius was before following after the others.

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