Safe Harbor

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We had all gone back to camp to change into our swimsuits before heading back to where the boat was. I had made sure to still strap my backpack onto my back because I'm not leaving it.

"Stay sharp. For all we know, Tiff is still there." Darius warned. We then all dove into the water and swam to the boat, leaving Bumpy and Rexy on the shore. We all silently climbed onto the boat before quietly looking around. Me and Brooklyn went one way and was looking through windows until she gasped. I looked where she was looking to see claw marks on the floor. Me and her then walked away to the back of the boat.

"No sign of anyone." Ben said.

"Or anything." Brooklyn added. "Looks like Tiff had some unwanted visitors."

"By the claw marks on the ground I'm guessing it was the Baryonyxes." I said as I inspected the marks. Ben, Brooklyn, and I then went to the boats cockpit where Darius and Sammy were.

"So, we've got a boat. We just can't use the boat." Ben said.

"Okay, the northwest dock is just around that bend. If we can somehow make it there, maybe we can find more gas and whatever else we need to get us off the island." Darius explained. The door handle then started to jiggle and me, Darius, and Brooklyn gasped. We started slowly backing away from the door until it burst open.

"Boo!" Kenji yelled and we screamed. "Gotcha!" Kenji laughed.

"Kenji!" Brooklyn yelled.

"Not funny, dude! You scared—" Darius yelled until Kenji cut him off.

"I know. It was awesome. You should've seen your faces! Priceless!" Kenji continued to laugh while falling onto his back.

"The height of comedy." Ben said monotoned. "I'm gonna head back to shore. Bumpy and I will meet you at the dock." Ben said.

"I'll meet you guys there with Rexy." I said before walking off with Ben but still heard Yaz ask,

"Guess the only problem is, who's driving the boat?"

"You mean, whose dad has a yacht club membership and just found this killer hat?" Kenji corrected but that was the last I heard. Me and Ben dove into the water before swimming back to land where Bumpy and Rexy were waiting.

"Hey, girl!" I smiled as I gave Rexy's head a hug. "How about a lift? Like old times." I asked. Rexy then bent down and allowed me to get onto her back while Ben got onto Bumpy. Rexy stood back up before we started making our way to the northwest dock. We made it just as the boat was docking and the others got off. Yaz walked over to Ben and grabbed the bag he was carrying.

"Thanks." Yaz thanked. Sammy then came over with a big smile.

"Hey, friends! How was your walk?" She asked.

"Great. Zero dinos. And even better, the dock's surrounded by a fence. I locked it up after Ev, Rexy, Bumpy, and I came through." Ben explained while getting off of Bumpy with me climbing off of Rexy.

"Hey, Bumpy! Hey, girl. Hey-oh, okay." Sammy said as Bumpy shoved passed her to go to Yaz. Sammy looked at Ben for an answer but he only shrugged.

"It's getting late. We might as well rest up here. We can scavenge for supplies in the morning." Darius explained.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, pump the brakes, bro! Look around! We've got swimsuits, a few hours of sun, and a whole boat at our disposal! If that doesn't scream 'yacht party', I don't know what does" Kenji said. We all grinned and cheered before going to do different things. Ben and Yaz were diving off of the yacht, Sammy was messing with Kenji, and Darious, Brooklyn, and I were sunbathing on the chairs on the deck.

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