Escape from Isla Nublar

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We stayed waiting on the boat while staring at the island until the sun was high in the sky. Me, Brooklyn, and Sammy were at the front of the ship while Kenji and Yaz were in the cockpit. Kenji powered the boat back up before driving us back to the dock. Kenji carefully docked the boat, before we all got off and walked onto the dock. I made sure to strap my backpack to my back before I got off. We peeked over the ramp and screamed when a Stegosaurus swung its tail at us. We breathed a sigh of relief while taking deep breaths.

"No Scorpius." Brooklyn said.

"Yet." Yaz added.

"Oh, my gosh! Guys!" Sammy yelled. Us girls quickly ran to what she was looking at, but Kenji stayed behind and covered his face like the wimp he was.

"What is it? Describe it with words." Kenji said.

"Oh, just walk over here, Kenji!" Yaz yelled at him. We all walked over to a tree where a wrecked limo was leant against it with its back bumper in the air and front bumper on the ground. "Oh, no. Darius and Ben?" Sammy then gasped while looking a footprints.

"They got away. Look!" Sammy pointed at the footprints that showed were in the dirt. We followed the trial of footprints with me and Sammy at the front of the pack. "More footprints, over here!" We quickly ran and gasped at the sight of several trees fallen and branches broken.

"Something big came through here. Like, lots of something bigs." Yaz commented.

"My guess would be a herd of Brachiosauruses from the height of the branches broken and considering they're strong enough to knock down entire trees." I informed.

"So? We're looking for Ben and Darius, remember? That's just dinosaurs doing dinosaur stuff." Kenji said.

"No. Look. They destroyed the trees they like to eat. Something spooked them real bad." Sammy pointed out. We then gasped and huddled together when we heard a roar.

"I swear, if that's the Scorpius Rex....." Kenji grumbled. We then froze when we heard a dinosaur cry. It sounded like a baby. We glanced at each other before slowly walking around the fallen tree. Standing beside the tree was a baby Brachiosaurus.

"Aw!" We awed at it. We being us girls and not Kenji.

"Sammy, don't touch......" Kenji tried to say but Sammy touch the baby anyway.

"Hi, there. I'm not gonna hurt you." Sammy cooed.

"Okay, nobody else—" Kenji tried to say but we had already started to pet and coo at the baby Brachy. "Ugh! Guys! In and out, remember?"

"She's looking for her herd." Sammy said.

"So, what?" Kenji asked. "Why should we care about what happened to the dinosaurs?"

"Because......because life, it's worth protecting. The Scorpius was never meant to be out in the wild. Dr. Wu knew that when he froze it." Brooklyn explained.

"Okay, yeah, obvi the Scorpius thing is bad, but it's not our responsibility. Wu and the people who made that freak should've thought of the consequences before they gene-spliced rando lizards together!" Kenji complained.

"Yeah, but there's no—" Brooklyn tried to say hit Kenji cut her off.

"We need to focus on finding Darius and Ben. In and out. And then finally, we escape this nightmare island." Kenji yelled. The baby Brachy started to cry and we all tried to comfort it. I heard Kenji sigh before he dropped his head. "I can't believe I'm......" Kenji mumbled before he started imitating a Brachy call.

"Kenji, your a genius!" I grinned. We all then started imitating a Brachy call, in hopes the herd would hear us and come find the baby. We then heard a dino bellow and the ground shook with heavy footsteps. We cheered as a Brachy broke through the trees and the baby Brachy went to it.

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