The Long Run

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Sammy had collapsed after she was hit by the spines in the Scorpius's tail and we were freaking out.

"Somebody get some bandages!" Darius yelled.

"I got some!" I yelled back as I kneeled beside Sammy and took off my backpack. I took out a roll of bandages I had before pressing them against her bleeding side.

"Guys......" Kenji stammered.

"Sammy, everything's gonna be okay. You know, some supplies we can get or something?" Ben tried to reassure Sammy while trying to look for supplies.

"Does anybody know......maybe we should go." Kenji said.

"Where are you going?" Ben asked.

"Sammy! Sammy!" Yaz yelled as she kneeled beside me and Sammy while staring at Sammy.

"Yaz! Evelyn! The quills are poisonous. We gotta take them out of her." Brooklyn informed as she ran to us. I looked down at Sammy to see her skin turning a greenish-yellow color while she was fading in and out of consciousness.

"Okay. Brooklyn, you'll take the quills out before I wash the wound with water before pressing bandages onto the wound to stop her from bleeding. Yaz, you'll need to comfort her and maybe hold her down. This is gonna hurt." I explained. I then looked down at Sammy. "I'm sorry." I kneeled beside Brooklyn with bandages and a water bottle ready as she gripped the quills. Yaz held her down as Brooklyn started to count.

"One, two, three!" Brooklyn yelled. Sammy screamed as the quills were yanked out of her and I immediately cleaned the wound with water before wrapping it with bandages.

"Sammy? Sammy? Sammy!" Yaz yelled as Sammy blacked out. Kenji out a pillow under Sammy's head to support her neck before stepping back with Brooklyn, Ben, and Darius to stare at Sammy. Yaz was holding Sammy's hand while I was checking her pulse and breathing. Sammy's skin continued to change color as she shivered and groaned in her sleep. "Sammy, we're here. Everything's gonna be okay." I sighed before standing up and going over to the others, leaving Yaz with Sammy.

"Taking out the quills wasn't enough. The poison's already in her system. She needs an antidote!" Darius informed quietly.

"Oh, sure, yeah, an antidote. That'll be easy to find, considering no one even knew this thing existed." Kenji said sarcastically.

"Maybe the medical supply station has something?" Ben suggested.

"Doubt it." Kenji scoffed.

"Kenji's right. The Scorpius Rex wasn't supposed to ever get out." Darius said.

"But it Wu made the thing he had to have made an antidote, right? What if the thing attacked him?" I asked and Brooklyn gasped.

"The video on Wu's old lab! He was attacked by the Scorpius, and they were giving him this shot from a red vial. I think they said antidote, I'm not-" Brooklyn was explaining but Yaz cut her off.

"Where is this lab?" Yaz asked. Brooklyn took a map out of her pocket before giving it to Yaz. Yaz opened it and looked it over to see where the lab was.

"Near the raptor paddock." Brooklyn said. Yaz then looked up with a determine expression and gave Brooklyn the map back.

"Take care of Sammy until I get back." Yaz said before shoving past us and taking off running.

"Wait, Yaz! The Scorpius went that way!" Darius yelled.

"I don't care what's out there. I'm saving her." Yaz said before running through the gate, that we had turned off, and disappearing into the jungle.

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