Our Serenity within the Stars

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It's been a couple minutes since you left Taehyung and Jungkook outside. They were wondering how long it would take for them to get noticed. They really didn't think it would be this easy to get in. Then again, all of you teleported randomly inside the palace while a majority of the protectors were out handling the military. Did that mean there was barely inside the kingdom itself? Maybe they could just walk in without a care. Perhaps all this split team planning was over doing it. That's what Taehyung was thinking as he impatiently waited for some action. He really wanted to be of some use. He wanted to fight for peace! He wanted to be a part of the change! And all he's been doing so far is following Jungkook around as they paced the outside of the palace.

This was their first time ever being on Pluto. It was the first time for all the Princes though it's not like you were familiar with this place either. It might as well have been your tenth time here. Still, you knew this place better and had a higher chance of surviving than them. For that reason, they had a lot of faith in you finding the Queen while a bloody battle was occurring outside the kingdom walls. Jungkook was a lot more patient than Taehyung. He wasn't rushing himself to cause trouble and find a protector to fight. As fun as that sounded, he knew he couldn't be reckless when today was the war to end all wars. Jungkook had done a lot of work planning it with his hyungs that he didn't want to be the reason they all messed it up.

That's why being partnered up with Taehyung was proving difficult. The pink Prince was so paranoid and ready to fight anything in sight. It was a humorous sight and completely ridiculous. Reasonable at the same time considering Taehyung's lack of experience with combat. But just for fun, Jungkook decided to test out his theory with how jumpy Taehyung was. The redhead was stiffly walking alongside the maknae who was silently scheming. Jungkook knew getting distracted was bad, but five seconds would be okay. He slowly brought his hand to the other side of Taehyung's shoulder, strongly gripping it out of nowhere as Taehyung screamed.

"Boo!" Jungkook snickered immediately. He stepped away from Taehyung to grab onto his own knees for balance. Seeing Taehyung jump into the air like a fish out of water was too entertaining. The Martian was living for it meanwhile Taehyung thought he saw his life flash before his eyes.

"What is wrong with!? I could have died!!" Taehyung's voice grew impressively high.

"Hyung, I was just playing!" Jungkook grinned, raising his hands to display innocence. There was none to be found.

"Quit it then!" Taehyung huffed before fanning himself. "You're lucky Jimin isn't here."

"Well, now you're killing the mood." Jungkook frowned. "Jimin and I are cool now anyway."

"Yeah, so behave!" Taehyung put his hands on his hips as he turned to face Jungkook. He stood in front of the younger to block his path. Taehyung wanted to put as much emphasis on this as possible. "I'm older than you so you have to listen to Jimin and I!"


"And I'm not saying this to be rude, but you need to learn, Jungkookie." Taehyung wagged his finger as if Jungkook were a child. "No scaring your hyungs. Especially me. I'm sensitive!"

"Hyung." Jungkook hissed through his teeth.

"Oh no. Don't give me that tone! I'll tell Yoongi hyung about this and he'll handle you for me!" Taehyung threatened when Jungkook grabbed his shoulders, roughly turning him around to see a couple of skeletons. They seemed to be making their rounds outside of the palace. With the colors that Jungkook and Taehyung wore on Pluto, they stuck out like sore thumbs. Jungkook sighed as Taehyung paled significantly. "C-Can they see us?"

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