Burger Joint

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You really didn't mean for that to happen! Laughing awkwardly, you wondered why you couldn't act normally around the skeletons. You appeared out of nowhere so you should be the one startling them yet you completely kicked back one of them. They crumbled down with their bones all over the floor and the other skeletons stared at their fallen brother. Wow. You were ready to panic until the bones on the floor began to shake. They were moving on their own as they attached once more. The skeleton pushed itself back onto its two feet while staring at you blankly. There were no eyes, but you could sense how done this poor skeleton was with you.

"I really didn't mean to hurt you like that." You awkwardly patted its bony shoulder. The skeleton naturally didn't say anything but nodded. "Great! Sorry! I mean that." You pulled your hand away from it in case you somehow managed to make things worse.

There was not much else to say to the skeleton. You stood in front of it, wishing that you would get your life together when you were around them. They were adorable and all you did was make things weird with them. Thankfully the skeleton returned to its original post without any problems. If you weren't the Princess of Pluto then you knew d*mn well that it would probably attack you for the sh*t you've pulled. They may seem weak, but they were a lot stronger than they looked when in front of enemies.

The entire reason you came back here in the first place was to visit your Mother. You promised her that you would come back every now and then until you move here permanently. Today was just a little visit to let her know that you were doing good and asking for progress on making amends with the other planets. It was a mix of personal and royal business. None of the other boys knew that you were here. You chose to come here all on your own without any of them present. You were planning to save that for later. Hopefully by then you can get Yoongi and Jungkook under control. All you need for them is to not feel the urge to want you dead every time they see you and then you're practically solid.

What happened with Jungkook yesterday was really weird and you would love for that not to repeat. There's luckily always been someone to interrupt yet you knew you would have to fight your own battle with him if you really had to like you did with Yoongi. As much as you didn't want to use your power, you weren't sure what would go down. Who knows? If the situation desperately calls for it then you might have to with no other choice. You hope things don't have to escalate to that level. Maybe if you plan more hangouts with the boys and include those two then just maybe they might grow to like you as a friend. Or tolerate. Tolerating was good.

Leaving the room full of skeletons, you continued on your walk around the palace. Mother should be around here somewhere. You came to surprise her after all. Grabbing the front of your dress, you did your best to run around the palace in a ballgown and high heels. One thing you quickly discovered when staying here with your Mother last time was that it was nearly impossible to remove your gown. Only other Plutonian clothing could replace it. The grey cloud would appear and you couldn't kick it away even when you tried. You were stuck in this dress that was beautiful, but d*mn. Sometimes you really felt like you were going to trip and look like an idiot in it. But you kept your poise as best as you could like your Mother told you to.

"Eomeoni!" You called out to her. Turning the corner, you were huffing to yourself until you saw her standing in front of the portrait. She would always stand in front of it. The frustration you felt earlier faded away in an instant. Finding Mother in front of the portrait for the tenth time was something that was leaving an impression on you. She wasn't over the death of her husband. The father you never truly got to know. You couldn't understand her pain fully, but it just sunk in with you. The death of your father really was unjust. It shouldn't have happened. Seeing Mother always staring at it like this told you that. "Eomeoni?" You spoke in a quieter tone. Your heels clicked slowly against the floor as you made your way over to you.

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