Adjusting to Earth

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Adjusting to Earth didn't take that long. As soon as you woke up to start your day, you were back into the old schedule you hated. Sohyun and you had botany today which you knew you would be struggling in the moment Professor Hak started his lesson. Sohyun let you look over the notes she had though you would have to do the missed assignments on your own. That was fair. Integrity and all that junk. You were interested to see a few notes written in a different hand style. Were these even hers? You were going to ask, but Sohyun was relatively quiet this morning. She would only speak to you when you talked to her and that easily grew awkward. She was more talkative last night. What happened?

You decided not to push it. This reaction from her was probably natural. You were gone for roughly four days without another word then show up refusing to talk about it. However Sohyun needs to process this, you'll leave her be to do it. You couldn't imagine how she must have been feeling for the person she depended on most in life to vanish. You depended heavily on Sohyun when you were down and she depended on you for the same. That's what family was for. The two of you were support for one another. The bond between the two of you made you feel as if you guys could have been twins. There was nothing that could ever come in between the two of you.

Though recently, you felt like that wasn't ringing as true as it used to. Secrets were being kept. Sohyun had no clue of the life you were living anymore. Besides knowing the classes you were taking this semester and your shift schedule for the greenhouse club, she wasn't as close as she once was. She didn't know of every frustrated thought you ever had. The dumb things that would make you laugh out of nowhere were something you kept to yourself these days. You had gained more friends than you've ever have in the past. Sohyun only knew of Hoseok and Namjoon to your knowledge. At this point you weren't sure of what she knew about you or not. Everything was all over the place and you were beginning to wonder if there was a chance things could go back to the way they once were.

There were things you didn't know about Sohyun either. She hung out with Taehyung behind your back in the beginning along with Kyujung. Sohyun was making choices on her own and you were doing the same. Though you figured she would gain feelings for Taehyung eventually, you weren't sure how big this crush actually was. Rather than being disappointed in Sohyun for crushing on Taehyung, you were upset at the fact that you weren't sure how far her pain ran deep. You were here to comfort her yet you've barely done just that. How badly did Sohyun hurt on her own while you were gone? The two of you haven't talked about it since yesterday. You hoped that would change.

Sohyun didn't say a single thing on the walk over to botany. The one thing you did notice though was that she was back to her old outfits. It wasn't much, but you were taking that as a sign of Sohyun standing up for herself. She was still embracing the true her that Taehyung hurt. That was good. You'll be here for Sohyun no matter what. Whatever she needs, you'll do that for her because you know she'll get over this. It was more than heartbreak. That's why you were still frustrated with Taehyung. If his words and apology from last night really meant anything, you hope to see his actions following through with them.

"(F/n)! Where are have you been? I haven't seen you in days." Beomseok stared at you wide eyed as you stepped into the room. Sohyun walked over to take her seat, giving Big Papa a smile. The chicken was just walking around freely even with the harness on his body.

"Oh yeah, it was sudden." You smiled awkwardly. "But I'm back now!"

"That's good." Beomseok nodded as he gave you a look. He didn't have to say anything for you to realize he knew about Sohyun's hurt. He was probably her closest friend. You were about to say something when Beomseok's eyes looked over at the door, his jaw clenching. "You..."

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