The Plan

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Namjoon took the time to sleep in his own room that he missed so much. There was a wall of curtains lining his room to block out the sun from entering the room. The days were as long as their nights. Then again, Mercury's nights could hardly compare to the long days and nights that Venus goes through. It made him grateful that Mercury turned at a decent rate compared to Venus. Ever since he got back, he's been happy to return to life as usual. He just knew that things weren't the same for you. Staying here as a guest was doable, but he was well aware that keeping you here wasn't a practical idea. At least not yet. He didn't want to say never in hopes that that could change in the future.

He turned over in his bed as he convinced himself to wake up for the day. He had gotten so used to living without a strict schedule on Earth, that returning back to his old one was hard. This was probably the only thing he really missed from that planet. He could see why the Gods enjoyed it so much though. Humans were interesting. Spending time with them made him feel like a normal person. He noted how he could appreciate the little things there, how freeing it was to act human, and other experiences that were unique to Earth. The place you considered home and which the Gods looked after had its charms. It wouldn't be right to take you away from that place without a proper goodbye nor a plan. You were still clueless as to where you stood on the war. Either overthrow or make amends.

Pushing himself up into a sitting position, Namjoon kept the blanket on his body. It was beginning to fall off and try to slide onto the floor, but he would rather not have his bare body be exposed to the cold. He didn't even want to get up in the first place. He kept the blanket on his lower body as he stared at the mirror he had in his room. His hair luckily wasn't too messy, but he knew he had to keep appearances high while on Mercury. He couldn't comb his hair with his fingers a few times then go to a class about agribusiness like it was nothing here. Namjoon rubbed his eyes as he tapped his foot on the floor. The blue stripe appeared before it wrapped around him. With a flash, he was properly dressed for the day as the Prince of Mercury.

"My hair still looks crappy..." Namjoon groaned. If only the blue stripe touched up his hair. The most it did was cause a strong wind to give his hair a wispy look, but that wasn't doing him any favors at the moment. He looked more like an evil scientist with his hair. It was standing up until Namjoon finally brushed it down.

Now that he was dressed, Namjoon entered his bathroom and sighed to himself. He shouldn't have let himself get dressed. The male groaned as he sluggishly moved around his home. You would be fine even if he took a while to get ready. Namjoon used the bathroom before showering and doing a few last things. Once he was done, it was time to check up on his favorite guest. He walked out of his room and passed by the large statue of Hermes. He smiled at it before continuing his way over to the bedroom. He knocked just in case. He couldn't be too sure when it came to a girl. He pressed his ear against the door but heard nothing.

"(F/n)? It's Namjoon. Everything okay?" Namjoon asked through the door. He gave you some time to respond yet nothing. The only thing that returned was silence. Namjoon grabbed the doorknob and turned it. He was concerned as he entered the bedroom, but realized it was nothing. He was just worrying a little too much about you. There you were on the bed in the Mercurian dress. That couldn't be comfortable. Namjoon frowned slightly, but you looked like you were in a deep sleep. He didn't want to interrupt your sleep at all. He just wanted to check up on you was all.

Namjoon bit his lip as he looked back at the door to the room. It was barely cracked open with how he left it. No one would barge into this room. It would be fine. Namjoon walked over to your sleeping form. He just wanted to get a closer view of you. The blue hair began to smile as he stared at your peaceful expression. You were tightly holding onto a pillow, hugging it with half of your face buried into it. It looked like you were in a deep sleep so Namjoon was going to leave you as you were. He'll talk to you about returning to Earth when you wake up. That's what you wanted anyway, but he knew you would feel hesitant with how you left things with Taehyung. Plus you still didn't know how to use your power. He couldn't do much to help you there, but the two of you could figure something out. It would be okay.

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