Drama & Rage

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(Nam Joohyuk as Moon Beomseok)


You know what? It was actually a mistake to tell Sohyun you thought someone was attractive. She brushed it off at first since you would usually give her the typically spiel. You're not blind to their looks but them being attractive doesn't mean anything. That's what she usually hears until you told her that you thought his smile was kinda cute. Just kinda! And somehow that girl started squealing so loud that you regretted ever talking about it in the first place. She was jumping all over the place, screaming more about it than you. You weren't sure what was going on anymore at this moment. She was doing her own thing at this point so you let her take her time.

Once she finally settled down, she asked you to describe him. It was strange. Was she trying to figure out if she knew him? You highly doubted it so you decided to tell her. He just had his hair dyed grey, sharp eyes that you knew held so much emotion behind them. His eyes were unreadable but you really liked them. Along with his little button nose and then his smile. He always gave you small ones, but you could see his gums once when he smiled at Seokjin. Thinking about it still made you smile. It was just infectious! He seemed so mysterious and collected together that you just wanted to get to know him more. He was one year younger than Seokjin so he was older than you. He didn't tell you much about him so there weren't many facts you could give Sohyun. You could only tell her your impression of him which had Sohyun holding in the urge to scream.

What did you do this time? Sohyun was clapping her hands as she repeated everything you said dramatically. She was making you sound like her when she was a teenager crushing over guys. There is no way you said any of those things in that tone. But still, you chewed nervously on your bottom lip. Hearing her repeat the exact words though was alarming. Cute gummy smile? You said CUTE? What's with the unnecessary adjectives? Now you were sweating as Sohyun wiggled her brows at you. She was so happy to hear about this while all you wanted was for any feelings you did have to just go away. It was nothing serious to begin with!

"Let yourself fall in love and accept it, Jang (F/n)! Love is a beautiful thing!" Sohyun fell back into her own bed.

"Love is a strong word and the most this could ever be is a crush, Jang Sohyun. I really don't plan on dating any time soon and I barely know the guy anyway." You shrugged to see her frown at your realism. "Besides, I don't think it's wise to like a guy I don't know too well."

"Then get to know him!" Sohyun stared at you intensely. The two of you had your arms tightly crossed just like when the two of you were stubborn kids. Still stubborn today.

"...I'm trying." You pouted as she clapped her hands again.

"I'm rooting for you, (F/n)!" Sohyun threw her first in the air. "Crushes are perfectly healthy and I think it's nice that you just might find someone you like. It may not develop into anything, but it's nice to finally experience it."

"Crushes are normal, I guess." You played with the black necklace around your neck. "But I don't have a crush. I just think he's attractive is all."

"Oh my God." Sohyun brought her hands up to her face as if you were hopeless.

Hopeless? That was a high possibility. Though you weren't giving yourself permission to be calling this a crush any time soon, you turned over in your bed to pull out your phone. It wouldn't hurt to leave Yoongi a text. No pressure. As you opened up a new message, you felt yourself stuck. What the heck should you text him? A part of you felt tempted to ask Sohyun out of habit. She was your sister so you would always go to her whenever you struggled with something just like how she went to you. Except seeing how she acted earlier, you could assume asking her for this favor would nearly kill her. It was best to struggle with this on your own. It's not like you need to text him in the first place anyway.

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