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One thing you didn't expect from Taehyung practicing his power over plants was having it annoy you.

"The flower didn't really like that," He said, looking over your shoulder.

You weren't exactly sure the lengths Taehyung's abilities gave him and you certainly weren't prepared for this. You didn't think encouraging him to practice his plant manipulation would come to this point. Doing what you always did in the greenhouse and then having him watch over you like a hawk. According to him, he could empathize with the plants. He was able to feel with them and sense their emotions. They have emotions? Not only can he move them around and make them grow, but he can tell if a flower is feeling upset with you. This is not what you thought would have happened. Taehyung telling you he could manipulate plants never gave you the impression he could empathize with them in the slightest.

At the same time, you should have figured something similar to his cupid like power would happen. Taehyung strongly believed Eros gave him the power to make people fall in love and get them out of it. He had a tool with him that would transform however he needed it to, but he never divulged what form it was currently in. Seeing as he has never had a bow and arrow with him, you had a feeling it took a different shape here on Earth. But besides that ability, Taehyung could also tell when someone was in love. He was able to even tell who it was with. His skill was spot on and it was almost terrifying how well he mastered it. If he's managed to get that far with one of his powers than you could only imagine with plant manipulation.

Just like how your progress with your power was occurring rapidly, the same was happening with Taehyung. The two of you were practicing nonstop. While you kept your power to yourself, Taehyung was always bringing it out. More than ever now that the two of you were inside the greenhouse. The club met today because Sanghee declared it an emergency. Apparently a bunch of weeds were growing in the flower pots. She had no idea how they managed to sneak in, but she was furious. Now everyone was working to get them all out. Everyone meaning you, Taehyung, Sohyun, and Sanghee. Beomseok couldn't make it today since he had a class that conflicted with the meeting. That was a shame since Beomseok helped distract Sohyun from looking over at you whenever Taehyung came nearby like now for example.

"What did it not like this time?" You huffed in frustration.

"You just pull out the weed roughly. Be careful and mind the flower's own roots." Taehyung kept his hands behind his back. You've already scolded him for trying to handle it for you.

"Why don't you just kill the weeds with your power?" You sighed with your shoulders lowering. Taehyung was quick to gasp and scoff at the words you were saying. He was being dramatic as usual before getting to the point.

"I have morals, Ji (F/n)." Taehyung went to the flowerpot next to you to show you how it was done. You had your eyes narrowed on him before smacking his arm. He flinched, looking at you as if you had slapped his dog.

"They're weeds, Kim Taehyung," You stated as you brought your voice to a whisper. "And don't address me by Ji when we're on Earth. I'm a Jang here."

"Right..." Taehyung lowered his voice. He was stiff, but he was tempted to look over his shoulder to glance at Sohyun. If she heard him call you that then that would be a pain to explain. He just knew he wouldn't be able to. "...are you angry with me?"

"I'm not angry, Tae." You shook your head as he smiled.

"Good. I'd rather make you happy." Taehyung turned his head to give you that boxy smile of his. Staring at him, you smiled back at him and quickly scrunched your nose up. Well, sh*t. That managed to make your cold heart turn warm. You giggled softly as his heart skipped a beat to hear that. He made you laugh. The male held the flowerpot in his hand tightly, biting his lip so he wouldn't cheer in joy. Instead the flower grew and a few buds bloomed. His happiness turned into panic and your giggle then turned into a snicker at his pain. "Shut up! It's not funny."

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