Like a King

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The alliance between Mars and Saturn had been carried through multiple generations. It was a custom that they wanted to keep. It was always expected that the next in line would work together and continue the alliance for another generation. That saved the heirs the trouble of stressing out over getting along with any of the other Princes. They had a tradition to follow which was never a problem before in the past. It always happened naturally with the two royal families having their first born around the same time. Then while most Princes or Princesses don't meet until they're ten years old at Kuiper, the royal family of Mars and Saturn always had their children meet earlier. Anything to give their heirs a head start on a forming a solid alliance for another generation.

This was something that was always mentioned to Baby Mars. Jungkook was five years old yet he already knew how important this friendship was to the kingdom. Maybe he didn't understand the concept to the fullest, but what he could grasp was that he needed to be friends with the Prince of Saturn. For whatever reason, he wasn't sure. His parents just really wanted him to be and it seemed like Yoongi's father wanted the same. Jungkook had no real idea as to why he was being forced to play with Yoongi, though he didn't mind. The young child just wanted a friend to play with. Especially if this friend was so highly spoken of by his own parents. Naturally, that had Jungkook looking at Yoongi in awe every time they met. That was all that was going through his mind as his parents told him he would be having another playdate with the eight year old.

This was an important thing to his parents with how much they were yelling at the staff to clean up. It was mainly his mother who was screaming off the top of her lungs. It was something Jungkook was used to. Besides, she never screamed at him in that way so that was all that mattered. Mother spoiled him and treated him with plenty of love because he was her baby. The help didn't get much kindness. Then as for Jungkook's father, the man was intimidating. Even Jungkook was scared of his own father at times. He could be nice though he was a King who knew when people were no longer useful to him anymore. He was simply playing his cards right and one of his many cards was his son.

"Are you listening, Baby Mars?" His father narrowed his eyes on the child. His wife was currently screaming 'are you blind or stupid' to servants in the background. She was cussing them out though neither paid attention to her outbursts. The black haired boy looked up at his dad with a giggle, distracted with the new pet he made. A tiny phoenix was roaming around the floor. Its flames grew as it ruffled its burning feathers. It caused Jungkook to clap his hands in excitement and point it out to his dad.

"Appa! Do you see that?" Jungkook squealed.

"Yes, I do. They're everywhere, Jungkook." His father sighed heavily, glancing out the balcony window. The sky was a shade of red with a tint of orange. Even then, he could still see the large phoenixes flying across the sky. They were loud and occasionally irked him, but they were the protectors of Mars. "They're not that special, Jungkook."

"I think they are." Jungkook stood up from the ground to follow the baby phoenix that was trying to head towards the balcony. It was probably missing its mother. That was clear to Father Mars compared to his son who didn't want to let the animal go. Jungkook was squealing before his father scooped him up, allowing the bird to fly out the window. "Appa!! Why would you do that!?"

"Are you raising your voice at me?" His father frowned only to get a child sized fist smacked repeatedly into his chest.

"Yes! I AM! WHY!?" Jungkook shouted, throwing one of his infamous temper tantrums. Something his mother never bothered to scold him on. The temper this child had was easily becoming known to everyone on Mars. Father Mars wouldn't be shocked if the other planets were aware of his son's lack of emotional control already when it came to anger. Jungkook was trying to hit hard when he slapped his father's face.

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