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Knocking your knuckles against the door, you waited outside patiently. The patience only lasted for a few seconds though. It didn't take long for you to start abusing the door with your fists. Open up! You come baring goods so you better hear this door get unlocked. The knocking or pounding to be exact wasn't ending. There was a smirk on your face as you continued. It's not like it was early in the morning so you didn't have to be considerate of neighbors. It was the weekend anyway and you made plans with Namjoon. He can't get out of them no matter how hard he tries. You started to call out his name, probably getting on his nerves by now.

It's been a month since Namjoon and you have become friends. You'd say things were going pretty well for you in university. Mom would call to check up on Sohyun and you regularly. The two of you were perfectly fine. You didn't have to worry over Sohyun as much as you did when you both went to high school. A lot of her old bullies were gone or moved on. Only Kyujung worried you at times, but she kept her distance so far. Sohyun has become close to Sanghee and even Beomseok. You were really hoping for something to happen with Beomseok, but it looked like the poor guy was stuck in the friendzone and he didn't even realize it. That's how life was for Sohyun.

You wouldn't say your life was too far different from Sohyun's. All of your classes were going fine. None of them were too hard with help from your sister and Namjoon. He came extremely handy whenever you were struggling. It almost was amusing to him. The two of you were spending a lot of time together which naturally made the both of you close. Close enough for you to be abusing his door while he made you wait without a care. Finally, you heard the door unlock as he opened it to stare down at you. He was quick to sigh at you, his eyes narrowed on you.

"Jang (F/n), I swear—"

"Wow, no good afternoon? Nothing?" You teased.

"Good afternoon," Namjoon said as you chuckled.

"Took you long enough, Nerd. I practically broke my hand trying to get your attention." You raised your hand, letting it act limp. Namjoon shook his head as he stepped out of his dorm.

"Again with the nickname?" Namjoon asked before turning to face you again.

"I mean it with affection." You tried to look innocent as he scoffed.

"You expect me to believe that?" Namjoon crossed his arms, the two of you walking out of his dorm building together. You giggled lightly as he looked down at you with a fond smile. He'd let you get away with the teasing. He could be a little more on the serious side, but he allowed you to be playful. It was the perfect friendship for you. Namjoon pushed open a door, letting you go out first. One thing you learned about Namjoon was that he was a complete gentleman. The Hierophant paired with Wheel of Fortune was a complete blessing. Enough to make you forget the rest of the reading a lot of the time.

"This will cheer you up. Sohyun and I bought you a crystal." You revealed it to him. The male tilted his head at you, his eyes widening at the present. You were hiding it in your pocket and now you wanted to give him his fluorite. "This is specifically for you, okay? It's fluorite. It's supposed to help you concentrate and collect your thoughts. It's perfect to study with, so it can help you out with your classes."

"...for me?" Namjoon pointed at himself as you nodded. You held it out towards him as Namjoon slowly took it from the palm of your hand. He smiled at the crystal while looking it over before putting it in his pocket. "Thank you, (F/n). I'll use it well and give my thanks to your sister as well."

"Will do." You grinned. Namjoon looked really surprised to see you had given him a gift. Did he not think you were generous? Smiling at your thoughts, you decided not to tease him about it. There was no special reason for giving him the crystal aside from him being a nice friend. It was just a simple gift of appreciation.

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