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Hoseok and Namjoon had just returned from the main office. The two needed to work together in order to make their plan work. Hoseok kept watch meanwhile Namjoon manipulated the administrative staff to change the dorms the other Princes were staying at. Namjoon earned himself Hoseok as a roommate and then he made sure to put a lot a thought into where he placed the others. After the job was done, Namjoon left the person's mind alone and the two walked out. It was a lot easier than they thought it would be, but they didn't mind that. Instead the two laughed about it as they took a walk around the campus together. Hoseok and Namjoon were close friends after all. They had an alliance.

There was a lot for Hoseok to explain to Namjoon. Yes, he also intends to marry you yet he wasn't going to force anything. Whoever you fall for first. That sounded like a fair deal to Namjoon. He wasn't the biggest flirt out there, but he would make his efforts. Conversation about business was brushed aside as they began to joke around and just talk like they always did in the past. They felt natural around each other, relying strongly on one another. They were only talking about their classes when Hoseok was suddenly hugged.

That's when you came into the picture, interrupting their casual talk. They didn't mind seeing it was you, but it was the first time you've ever seen them together. Did you even know that they knew the other Princes on this campus too? Hoseok held you tightly to comfort you like he did last time, still smelling like a nice ocean breeze. It was calming only for you. Hoseok was left alert, making sure Jungkook was truly gone while Namjoon was startled. It seemed like Jungkook had made a second attempt to kill you. It obviously didn't sit well with him. You had no idea as to why Jungkook was showing you such high aggression and it would possibly make sense if they told you the truth...but not yet. You weren't ready for all that seeing as the current information was leaving you completely baffled.

"You're roommates?" You repeated only for them to nod. Maybe you would have accepted this earlier on in your friendship with Namjoon, but something about this felt off. He's never mentioned having a roommate before and you could have sworn the empty bed in his room was occupied by no one. Not once did you bump into Hoseok in Namjoon's dorm building aside from the time he proposed to you. Did Namjoon even know that happened?

"We have been since the start of the semester." Namjoon shrugged. He was trying to play if off as not a big deal, but you were only getting more lost.

"Then how come you almost have no stuff, Hoseok?" You turned to the male as he chuckled at you.

"I'm a minimalist, (F/n)!" Hoseok booped your nose. "I don't believe in owning too many materialistic items!"

"...really?" You raised a brow at him. Though that could have been a reason, it felt strange. Then again nothing was really feeling normal anymore.

The boys were persistent in convincing you that they were always roommates. If they say so. You didn't really have the energy to question them on something like that. It didn't matter in the end. All you wanted was to be in the presence of nice company if you couldn't return to your dorm. Hoseok didn't miss a beat to have you join their little outing. You didn't have to explain yourself or anything. He was already one step ahead of you, refusing to leave you alone after the way you just ran for your life. Namjoon followed suit as the two of them dragged you over to their dorm. The one they apparently shared for so long.

As soon as the boys stepped in, Hoseok mimicked the sound of gagging. It took you by surprise. Was he sick or something? What kind of reaction was that? Hoseok dramatically wrapped his arms around his stomach, hunching over as if he was throwing up. Namjoon was quick to roll his eyes, but not as quick as Hoseok who rushed to grab the trashcan in the corner of the room. You softly shut the door behind you as you watched them interact in the room. Namjoon didn't look too pleased with how Hoseok was reacting in their room. This was your first time seeing them as roommates together. They would be a nice distraction to help get your mind off things.

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