Always Eventful

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You're not exactly sure what happened in the men's bathroom at the burger joint, but they all told you it was better if you didn't know. That sucked. It made you wish for a solid second that you had a d*ck so you could stroll inside and figure out what you missed. That idea completely went out the window when you really thought about it. Do you really want to know what those idiots were doing in the bathroom? Boys will be boys. You let them keep it a secret which kept them all satisfied. The only ones really laughing about it were Seokjin and Jungkook. The others just looked traumatized so that was worrisome. They were only in there for about ten minutes when you knocked on the door to ask if everything was okay. Then as if nothing ever happened, they all came out okay. The bill was paid and you guys went back to the university.

Besides the bathroom incident as the boys dubbed it, the hangout went pretty well. It didn't end with anyone dying or badly injured which was amazing. That deserved a nice pat on the back. Of course you prepared yourself for anything to go wrong. You were worried in case any of them would literally try to fight in the middle of the burger joint yet that never happened. Things were kept to a minimum with bickering. That was what you loved to see! No fists getting thrown or any of them cussing out another loudly over the littlest thing. They all made you proud so when you returned to the campus with them all in one piece, you called for a group hug. You giggled as they all came together to hug besides Yoongi. He was still being difficult, but Jungkook pulled him over even if he was stiff.

Calling them all friends was still a bit too strong, but they were getting there. Some of them were closer to a few than others. That was natural. You just knew that your plan to make them all friends would become a success. If you were able to achieve peace for the planets then you knew you would be able to get the Princes to become friends. Nothing was impossible! The hangout was more than enough proof for you to have faith in your plan. You didn't plan to keep the day going with them yet they didn't want it to end. They had no classes for the entire day and they had all finished their work that they were struggling to catch up with. That day was meant for fun. Even Yoongi stayed when he didn't have to.

In that time that you spent with them, all eight of you went over to the field to just talk and play around, You were able to see Jimin getting along with Namjoon too. Taehyung spoke with Hoseok, initially to just pull a ladybug out of his hair and then they began to talk. Taehyung was awkward with his hyung. He looked like a toddler that knew they were going to get scolded for doing something bad. Instead Hoseok kept his patience and asked Taehyung how his classes were going. While those four were talking, Jungkook fell asleep as he used Seokjin's leg as a pillow. You were making a flower crown out of dandelions and placed it on Jungkook's head. To be honest, you don't think you were afraid of Jungkook anymore. He did a lot in the past, think things were getting better now.

The flower crown looked really cute on Jungkook yet Yoongi tried pulling it off. How dare he? Seokjin was huffing at the two of you to be quiet. He didn't want anyone waking up the baby. Seokjin pet Jungkook's head as you struggled to put the flower crown back on Jungkook. Yoongi was trying so hard to stop you. He pinned you down onto the grass underneath him when you huffed and placed it on his own head. You could have sworn Yoongi's ears were pink, but by then Hoseok was pulling you away from Yoongi. Taehyung started interrogating Yoongi on what he was doing with you and Namjoon had to pull the boy back. Jimin noticed a sleepy Jungkook, giggling and bringing a fluffy dandelion to Jungkook's nose. He tickled the maknae until he sneezed and woke up. It was probably the first time Jimin had ever seen Seokjin mad with him.

So that day was fun. It was eventful in a lot of ways and now you were taking a calm day. Nothing special. You were just at the greenhouse, taking care of your shift by watering all the flowers inside. It was calm moments like these that really made you appreciate Earth. The nature and life here on Earth was something you knew no other planet possessed. They all felt like uncompleted versions of Earth in a way. While they all had their own charm, you knew you would always have a soft spot for this place. Hopefully the boys would too when you all go back. You smiled at the thought, humming to yourself as you went through another aisle only to notice you weren't alone in the greenhouse as you originally thought.

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