Time for Change

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"Go fish."

"Go fish? I thought we were playing blackjack!" Yoongi groaned as he slammed his cards on the table. His reaction didn't cause anyone in the Kuiper center to flinch. All the Princes were looking over at the two with tired and bored looks.

"Blackjack? We've literally been playing for an hour!" Hoseok complained, throwing his own cards on the table. All they were doing was making a mess. Namjoon let his head fall on the table and he didn't care that it hurt. Watching the current scene between Saturn and Neptune was painful enough. "Where was your head the entire time?"

"It's called detaching out of boredom and miraculously moving my body at the same time visions are flashing through my head." Yoongi rolled his eyes as if it were obvious. He scoffed at Hoseok for evening questioning him in the first place.

"Don't use fancy words just to say you were daydreaming!" Hoseok huffed.

It was clear that they have gotten absolutely nowhere in the entire time that they've collected Namjoon in the journey to find you. An entire day passed with them doing nothing. An entire day. It's officially been three Earth days since they've all left Earth. You were gone who knows where and no one could come up with a single solid plan. There were a lot of arguments that they easily grew tired of. It got old and fighting managed to die down. That didn't stop any of them from bickering with each other as proven by Yoongi and Hoseok who somehow agreed to play a game of cards together. No one really knew how, but there they were and it finally went to sh*t an hour later.

Everything was turning to sh*t in all fairness. You were no longer with them and they had no clue where you were so that was the worst part of all of this. Aside from the obvious problem of not having you under their watch anymore, they were slowly going insane. So many hours wasted of them all fighting only for them to reach this state of exhaustion. They couldn't care anymore and that's probably how two enemies were playing cards. Though they all knew that the moment they all find you somehow, things would return back to normal. That was the most likely outcome that Namjoon was guessing. At the same time, he hoped they could maintain this level of peace. It wasn't perfect, but they weren't trying to kill each other. That's pretty good.

His standard of pretty good was actually pretty sad, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. He's banged his head against the table multiple times already. He was certain there was a bruise going to form on his forehead. That was the least of his worries though. Jungkook kept messing around with his cape. He swatted him away a few times, but the baby whined about how Yoongi never let him play with his cape and so Namjoon gave up. Jungkook was currently flapping it around and pretending Namjoon was a superhero. It wasn't the worst thing Mars could be doing so he tolerated the behavior from his fellow telluric.

Then there was Seokjin who was practically talking to himself. He'd speak to no one in particular, but it was clear he wanted someone to respond back to him. It only ended with him looking crazy. It almost disturbed Namjoon at how good Seokjin was at keeping a conversation with himself. He was pacing around the table which Hoseok complained that it made him dizzy. Yoongi only encouraged Seokjin to start running. They were all Princes yet this is what they were doing? Wasn't it there job to restore harmony to the planets once and for all?

"I don't get how you thought we were playing an entirely different game and yet you were winning." Hoseok growled.

"I think I was cheating. Probably." Yoongi shrugged which made Hoseok scrunch up his face in confusion. How could he not be sure if he was cheating or not? "Don't give me that look."

"As I was saying, I tripped over dill flowers—"

"Seokjin, what are you going on about?" Namjoon finally bothered to ask. Seokjin gasped in excitement at the fact that someone finally responded. Immediately, Namjoon regretted it and Jungkook began pouting. He didn't want Seokjin coming closer.

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