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"S-Seokjin hyung..."

That just about broke Seokjin's heart. He knew he shouldn't have let himself get weak to this sight after knowing what Jungkook did, but he couldn't help himself. Hearing Jungkook call out to him like that was enough to make him almost forget. Almost. The soft spot Seokjin held for the boy would always be there. It was hard to get rid of which was what Seokjin tried to do. He tried forgetting and letting Jungkook start up trouble with Yoongi. He was going to ignore those big doe eyes yet he never could. He always found himself looking out for Jungkook whenever there were Kuiper meetings. He'd take care of Jungkook secretly which was noticed by Jimin along the way. That got him yelled at today. Seokjin thought that was fair.

Seokjin did look after Jimin, but there were times when even his own father had scolded him for being too kind to Jungkook. It wasn't a problem until Jungkook became allies with Yoongi. That made things rough. Jungkook was always siding with Yoongi and treating Seokjin poorly because of it. Uranus knew that Saturn would be feeding Mars all kinds of ideas about how he shouldn't be trusted. Jungkook always had his guard held high with Seokjin. Now he wasn't with Yoongi after the incident and was calling out to him with that voice. There was not a single ounce of anger in Jungkook's eyes. They were back to those big doe eyes. Those eyes similar to back when he was a baby who hadn't been corrupted for Yoongi's use.

The older lifted Jungkook higher up in his arms before putting him softly on Yoongi's bed. He would be a lot more comfortable there than hanging onto Seokjin. This caring nature towards Jungkook was like second nature at this point. The purple hair knew he was risking getting yelled at by Jimin for doing this. Potentially even losing his friendship with the fellow Jovian. It was a risk he was willing to take when he looked at Jungkook. If Jimin couldn't stand seeing Taehyung in pain then that's what Seokjin felt for Jungkook. There was a strong conflict inside Seokjin between wishing Jimin hadn't hurt Jungkook so badly and knowing that this was the only way Jungkook would understand. There was no way Jungkook would come crawling here had Jimin not punished Jungkook the way he did.

The pain might feel impossible to endure, but it will pass. Seokjin watched as Jungkook struggled with his breathing. He could hardly get any air into his lungs with how hard he was crying. Not to mention, the occasional aftershocks from Jimin's lightning weren't being kind to Jungkook either. Bringing his hand close to Jungkook's mouth, Seokjin formed a small ball of air for Jungkook to easily breathe in. It would help him not feel lightheaded as he probably did. It would also make him have an easier time trying to tolerate the bolts that occasionally shot through his body. Seokjin could see it whenever Jungkook stiffened and grunted.

"It hurts..." Jungkook whined.

"I know it does. It's okay if you want to cry, Jungkookie." Seokjin brought his other hands up to push back Jungkook's hair. He petted Jungkook in hopes of soothing him. "I'm sorry I can't do much to make you feel better. The aftershocks should disappear in a few hours though."

"...t-thank you." Jungkook took in a deep breath.

"No need to thank me. I'll be here until the pain is over and you can fall asleep." Seokjin knew he babied Jungkook more than necessary. He just couldn't help himself.

Maybe Jungkook would have pushed Seokjin away in the past or told him to stop treating him like that. Instead it was welcomed by the younger boy. He was the youngest one out of all the Princes. He was barely a legal adult here on Earth. Though it pissed him off when Taehyung called him a baby in a diaper, Jungkook was finding it to be true. He wasn't a man. That's what also hurt Jungkook. Aside from the physical pain, Jungkook was struggling with the truth of the situation. It was a hard pill to swallow for him. He already accepted that Yoongi was only using him for his own advantage, but Jungkook was also coming to the final conclusion that Taehyung and Jimin were right. In the end, Jungkook was undeniably jealous of those two.

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