Divine Timing

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The first day of classes was today and you weren't looking forward to it. You were only dealing with the first semester with three classes. Only one of them was shared with Sohyun while the rest were on your own. Botany was with Sohyun while you had pest management and genetics alone. Sohyun had plant biology and soil science. Everything sounded awful to you. What did you get yourself into? Sohyun and you got your textbooks which made you want to scream. Maybe you just don't like doing work. It can't possibly be the worst thing in the world though. Sohyun seemed excited for it. She was up before the rooster went crazy in the morning. The f*cking rooster. You didn't want to get up, but Sohyun forced you to. It's not like you could skip class on the first day.

It can't be too bad, right? Plants were interesting. Definitely! Your knowledge of them though was pretty much limited to succulents. You knew how to keep those at least alive thanks to Sohyun. Everything else and you were clueless. It was mainly Mom and Sohyun gardening while you laid down on the grassy hill in your backyard, relaxing in the shade and staring up at the sky. You would do that for hours. Now you wanted to smack your head. Younger you should have participated in the gardening! Sohyun kept telling you not to worry which you let ease you a bit. You could trust her. As long as you have her in botany this semester then it can't possibly be too bad.

Well, you were wrong. It was complete torture. Pure torture! The professors droned on and on about their classes. Some of them were brief, but your botany professor really went into detail. Hell, the lunatic dived into his first lecture the day of. You hurriedly took notes on his little crash course or overview, whatever he wants to call it! You wrote everything down and felt like strangling him. But you wouldn't because that's illegal and Sohyun looked excited in the class. She was so enthralled compared to you who felt like falling asleep. You were about to until you made eye contact with a chicken. Some weirdo brought a chicken to class and the professor didn't even blink an eye! What's worse was that the chicken was wearing a cowboy hat.

You suppose it can't be that strange if your university caters to the country folk. Boys were bragging about the tractors their family owned and girls were sharing pictures of the cute baby animals that were just born on their farms. It felt like you were living in some weird universe. It was shocking how intense everyone was about their major. It honestly made you jealous how passionate they were. You didn't feel that spark that most people go on about. You've never really quite felt that. Not even with a hobby. That's why you considered Sohyun really admirable for being passionate and having so many interests.

Who knows though? Maybe plants might find a way to reach your heart. Once that thought entered your head though, you felt like throwing yourself out the window. Thankfully you only had morning classes and there were only a few times a week. It was different from high school, so you hoped that would make it possible to survive. That didn't stop you from feeling absolutely exhausted from your classes by the end of the week. The first week of all of your classes went by at a painful pace. You just had to take deep breaths and remind yourself that it would be possible. You can do this!

"I hate this." You dropped your body onto your bed.

"Hey now, we didn't come back into our room to rest!" Sohyun frowned, setting down her backpack near her desk. You shifted in your bed to look at her in confusion.

"What do you mean?" You blinked obliviously. Sohyun adjusted the necklace she had of blue lace agate with a pout on her face. It was a little hard to take her seriously with her baby face and her style of clothes. A blue button up collared shirt with ruffles on it and an ankle length floral skirt along with boots. You were used to it though and she actually pulled it off. But if she wanted to look intimidating to you then this look would never do the job.

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