Loving is Living

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Things were quiet in the afternoon. The early morning classes finished so Sohyun decided to spend her time outside in the sun. She was sitting on a bench away from her dorm building, but she could still see it in sight. The only reason she was out here in the first place was for some fresh air and so she could sit with her crystals. A few of them were spread out on a cloth. They were getting sun cleansed as she sat out here. It possibly would have been boring if she were sitting out here all by herself, but she wasn't alone. As soon as she was spotted by herself, a certain someone couldn't help join her and stick to her side like glue.

Beomseok was happily sitting next to Sohyun. He was giving her the space and support she needed whenever she wanted it. Just because Taehyung rejected her didn't mean that he was free to ask her out. Beomseok had manners and left Sohyun her time to heal without relying heavily on someone. Especially on a guy for love. There was no way Beomseok was going to let himself be some sort of rebound for her. Even if he was practically in love with Sohyun, the farmer still had some self-respect for himself. What they both needed was patience and nurturing like a plant. That's what he knew best after all and he figured if it worked with nature then it worked with all types of life.

He was still giving Sohyun her space even if he was with her right now. She needed a friend. That was one thing he was certain of when it came to taking care of Sohyun. Sanghee and Sohyun weren't close enough for girl talk. Plus, Sanghee would probably just say some weird saying that Sohyun wouldn't understand. The ideal option was for you to be there for Sohyun. She hadn't said much to Beomseok, but he figured that the two of you haven't talked that much. He didn't see the same bond that he used to. You were coming across as more distant as Sohyun isolated herself from others aside from the few people she did know.

As much as he and you did get along, Beomseok knew he wasn't that close to you. The two of you only really talked in class or when Sohyun was around. Aside from that then that's when you lived your own life. Beomseok petted Big Papa who sat in his lap as he fed him blueberries. Today he was just getting them as little treats. It was just something special for Big Papa in order to congratulate him for being a good boy. Sohyun was holding the small tray of blueberries in her hand, smiling as she watched Big Papa interact with Beomseok.

"I told you one at a time. Don't look at Sohyun with beady eyes." Beomseok sighed as Big Papa took a blueberry with its beak. "These are meant as a reward for being a good boy. Don't make me change my mind."

"Aw, I think he's just an excited good boy." Sohyun giggled.

"You would spoil your kids, wouldn't you?" Beomseok raised a brow at her. Sohyun pursed her lips in thought, humming to herself before giving Big Papa two blueberries.

"Yes." Sohyun smiled to see Beomseok's mouth gaping.

"You've had enough, Big Papa." Beomseok set the chicken down on the floor. He probably should have remembered that Big Papa was still a bird even if he couldn't fly. Big Papa flapped his wings as he jumped back up onto Beomseok's lap to take another blueberry from Sohyun's tray. It was the last one. "H-Hey!" Beomseok tried grabbing Big Papa, but he flew a couple feet away. He was already downing the berry with no regret in his eyes. "Fantastic."

"Big Papa deserved it." Sohyun shrugged. She loved to spoil Big Papa which he already got enough of. The rooster lived like a king back on the ranch. What more spoiling did he need? Beomseok puffed out his cheeks, frustrated since blueberries weren't that nutritional for him. Big Papa better prepare for no treats for a while and Beomseok knew that meant his rooster would get cranky, but tough. He would have to deal with it!

"Deserves it for what?" Beomseok asked as Sohyun set the plastic tray aside.

"For being cute." Sohyun smiled. Big Papa was now just walking around on the grass, enjoying life. He didn't have to worry about stressful classes or about getting the girl. He literally had multiple girls for him back home. Sometimes Beomseok doesn't even know who he raised, but he loves the little guy. He shook his head at Sohyun's words. She was only saying that because Big Papa was a cute animal which he was but she also didn't live with him.

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