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He stood in front of the university entrance, eyeing the main building from top to bottom. He wasn't impressed in the least. Since arriving, all he's seen is a bunch of plants and now this random brick building. Apparently, this is what humans call a 'university' or whatever. He scoffed at the sight in front of him for the tenth time. He really couldn't care less about what humans did. He considered them all beneath him. Besides, he was a Prince after all. None of these people were on his level besides Mercury and the lovely target that he has yet to find. It irked him a lot that Mercury found you first. The fact that he's been in close contact with you for over a month really made his skin crawl.

Well, no more! Now things were going to change with a new Prince added into the mix. A better, more attractive prince! No one could fight with him on that. He knew his place and that was a handsome individual of many talents. Compared to stiff Mercury who focused too much on studying nonsense and understanding the universe around him. The male adjusted his outfit, trying not to grimace the longer he stood outside. This place was disgusting. So many creatures roaming around that he was vaguely familiar with. His parents forced him to have a quick course on human life before arriving here. If he wants to get the princess then he needs to not cause a scene.

This was a stupid task in his opinion. He didn't even care and the only reason he was here was because he didn't like that Mercury beat him. Men under his father caught on to the planet Mercury's advances which immediately got him a huge scolding from his parents. Why isn't he on Earth right now? Stop wasting time and go or whatever nonsense his parents blabbered on about. They pulled him away from important matters for this? He crossed his arms, taking slow steps on the campus. It can't be too hard though. Find the princess, bring her with him, and marry her. It was a solid plan! He was so proud of himself when he noticed human girls staring in his direction.

"Do you see him?" One whispered.

"He's looking this way! Be quiet!" The other responded in panic.

Oh, now this was amusing. It seemed like the women here responded almost the same to him. They were practically throwing themselves at him. How could he ignore them? He decided to be generous and send them a wink. That automatically had the girls blushing and scurrying away. They were calling him a celebrity whatever that meant. He loved all the stares and attention that he was receiving. The women here were losing it. He always knew he had that affect. Smirking to himself, he ran his hands through his long red locks. He knew he stood out and not just from his good looks alone. The hair, the clothes, and he noticed they spoke with some accent.

If he remembers correctly, this is what his mother called 'the country'. What is he supposed to do with that information? This was still frustrating to him. The campus was huge and he had no clue where you were. He wasn't exactly sure how you looked either, but his parents assured him that he'd know. He'd be able to sense it. Plus, he was very familiar with how the Queen looked. He figured her daughter would look about the same. Things weren't good back at home. All the planets were in a current state of war and all because of one planet. The male huffed to himself again. If he has to be the one to save all the planets with this marriage then so be it. If he must!

"Hey, you! Escort me" The male pointed at a random female. She froze in her place as the Prince squinted at the paper. "The paper says I have bo...botany? What is that? I don't know, but I'm told to say that I major in horticulture. I also don't know what that is."

"You...oh!" She began to laugh with her whole chest. The Prince furrowed his brows at her, struggling to understand why she was responding this way. It's not like he said anything funny. She soon calmed down to give him a large smile. "You missed it, Pal. Botany happened earlier in the day."

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