Cat and Mouse

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The conversation you had with Namjoon and Hoseok was needed. It left you feeling somewhat stable and in control of things. Not really. You didn't have much choice with how things went, but they were giving you time. If you were being honest, you still didn't quite believe the idea of being the Princess of Pluto or the Forgotten Planet as you've heard them refer to it. Probably the unique orbit of Pluto is what added to how out of touch it was from the others. That was you trying to find some logical reasoning to it. All of this just made you want to do research about the planets. Maybe there was something here that could get you to understand. It might help you process this whole thing faster too.

You mentioned the idea to Namjoon and Hoseok, but they told you that human information wasn't that reliable. Humans couldn't detect the colonies on each of the planets nor would they survive in them. It was impossible. That was disappointing to hear but you couldn't say you were surprised. Even with that being their response, you wanted to continue looking into the planets on your own. You did brief research last night which didn't do much. It was basically the same old information you knew like what the planets were made of, their orbits, and things like that.

One thing that did catch your attention was seeing that Venus was the only planet to turn clockwise. Maybe it explains why Taehyung has no alliance. That or his bad personality.

You were just thinking bitterly at this point. It couldn't be helped. Sometimes your thoughts formed words quicker before you could properly filter them. That could be annoying a lot of the time. Your mind was having a lot of thoughts lately. With everything going on, clearing your mind didn't sound possible. You most likely wouldn't get to have a peaceful mind for a long time. One good thing that came from your late night research though was receiving a text from Jimin. He sent you a large message that surprised you. You had to scroll about three times to read that entire b*tch. While it shocked you, the message actually touched your heart a lot.

Jimin was the most affected by the truth getting revealed to you. He was crying when confessing his identity to you as if he committed a crime. That's what made this so hard. By denying the identity they said was you, it must have been a slap to the face. Jimin was incredibly thoughtful and you could tell it had been eating at him for the entire day. He apologized so many times while also assuring you that he thought of you as a true friend. He valued each moment with you and promised that he really wanted to continue being your friend. He felt so bad for having the intention of the alliance, but you were overlooking that. If they want to be friends with you then you wanted that. You did enjoy hanging out with Jimin and Seokjin before all this crap happened.

So that's what you messaged Jimin back. Seokjin and him are still your real friends if they mean it. He instantly responded back that they did. Since it was getting late, you told Jimin to just meet up with you in the library tomorrow with Seokjin in the afternoon. That worked out for both of them and so it was scheduled. You patched things up with Namjoon and Hoseok so Jimin and Seokjin were next. That's where you were heading now. With only a phone in your hand, you could see the library ahead of you. You were on time too. Things were looking good up until a certain black haired male with red tips decided to block your path for no reason.

"Can we reschedule this whole murder attempt thing? I have a thing with Jimin and Seokjin right now." You sighed as Jungkook scoffed.

"I told you that you don't get to call the shots about this." Jungkook stayed where he was. You thought he would have taken a closer step to you to appear intimidating. He remained calm though with his hands in his pockets and his body language relaxed. He didn't look like an animal ready to pounce for once. "I just wanted to let you know that I want you dead—"

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