Ahead of the Others

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Another day of botany class. It wasn't so bad this time around to your surprise. You figured you were getting used to your schedule. Sure, it could be stressful at times yet that was too be expected. Sohyun and you are in university now so you knew the standards were higher. It just finally felt easier to push through. Sohyun was happy to see you actually putting effort into the classes you were taking. For once, you weren't asking for her help with work from botany. Then you weren't too stressed out with your other classes either. What was even better was that you stopped glaring at Sohyun's succulents! That was major improvement on your part. You liked to think so!

It's literally only been three days into the second week of university. It was shocking that you went through a such a change in perspective. Sort of. You still hated a lot of your old classmates, the chicken's name was still weird, and you weren't that interested in plants though you will say that you can tolerate all that more now! The only weird thing you saw was when two drunk guys were walking back to their dorms at night with a leash on a pig. The pig had a stylish harness and everything. It was clearly not its first rodeo. The sight of that would have made you want to huff and scream internally in the past. Now you just chuckle and appreciate it.

It's fair to say you were looking on the brighter side of life. Normally, you were more of a realist and probably borderline pessimistic in Sohyun's eyes. Now you were even surprising her with your slightly chirpier attitude. You were still ready to punch Kyujung in the nose. That will never change. Once in elementary school and you were always down for a round two. The anniversary of you breaking her nose was coming around, so you would be more than willing to celebrate it and give Kyujung some nostalgia. You mentioned this to Sohyun and she obviously was not as cheerful as you were about the idea. Someone has to have the dark humor around here.

Sohyun and you were walking out of botany class together. Professor Hak had his voice raised, reminding everyone of the assignment and its due date. You already wrote it down so you weren't worried. You also had Sohyun to keep tabs on you. The two of you were giggling until a chicken clucked in front of you guys. The both of you paused, staring down at the little thing. He was short, kinda fat, and had colorful feathers. He could be so loud sometimes since he was a rooster after all, but you preferred calling him a chicken. He was staring up at you two with his cowboy hat on and you had to admit, you were disturbed. What does it want?

"Hi, Big Papa!" Sohyun grinned.

"Please don't address it by name." You frowned.

"Big Papa!" Beomseok rushed to scoop the animal up. "Sorry, lost track of him when I was asking Professor Hak a question."

"No worries!" Sohyun shrugged. You didn't really say anything as you noticed a light blush go across Beomseok's cheeks. Oh? He walked away while you looked over at Sohyun. The two of you were walking out of the building together and she was completely oblivious. This girl! Sohyun was humming, playing with her crystal necklace. There was a guy right there who has interest in her! Beomseok may be strange, but at least he's not an @sshole. You were tempted to tell Sohyun, but you decided to hold off on it. She might get flustered and awkward around Beomseok. You'll give it some time to see if Beomseok asks her out on his own. You hope so. That blush better be for Sohyun and his undying love for her! Maybe not that far, but your point still stands.

Sohyun was walking by your side, looking like the complete opposite of you. Today's outfit was a little more on the cute side. White oversized dress overalls and then a flowy floral blouse with ruffles as always. Then there was you with black leggings and an oversized grey sweater. It's not like it was your intention to dress in dark clothing. Sometimes you really wanted to wear bright colors like Sohyun and you've made efforts. It's just sometimes, you sort of end up in dark monochrome outfits without really trying. It just happens. Raising your eyes from your own clothes, you paused in your footsteps to see Namjoon leaning against a wall outside of your building.

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