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(A/n: Beautiful cover made by xpurple_dream on instagram!)


The door shut behind Namjoon as he stepped into the room. All the other Princes were here. Sitting together in one room. How long have they all been here? Have they all managed to go unnoticed by Namjoon? He couldn't believe the sight in front of him. Never would he have thought to find all the Princes in one single room and on planet Earth of all places! Namjoon almost felt lightheaded to be standing in front of all of them. It looked like they couldn't comprehend the situation themselves either. They all shared the same shocked and hesitant expressions. What were they supposed to say to this? They were planning on adding Saturn to their meetings only for Mercury to stumble upon them. Their hiding spot was found.

Their hiding spot would have been found eventually. One of them would have eventually been caught by Namjoon. They just didn't think it would have happened so soon and that he would catch all of them at once. Their plans of going unnoticed fell completely went down the drain. All the Princes began to exchange glances with each other, coughing awkwardly as Namjoon stared at them in disbelief. None of them were prepared for this moment. The only reason they were here in the first place was to catch Yoongi up on everything that's been going on. He was made aware of all their intentions with you and the most important rule. Avoid Namjoon at all costs.

So much for that rule.

Eyes lingered over to Hoseok. He was the most tense one for obvious reasons. He had an alliance with Namjoon yet he never once showed himself. Namjoon felt slightly irritated by that. He was studying on his own and stumbles into the room to see faces he never wished to see except for one. One particular face he trusted. Hoseok shifted awkwardly, wishing that Namjoon's stare would stop burning into his skin. Namjoon had a lot of thoughts on the people he saw in the room. He was just surprised that they hadn't tried killing each other yet. Barely any of them could get along with one another unless they had an alliance.

"Surprise..." Hoseok smiled weakly. Namjoon pursed his lips before scoffing as he watched all of them look just as unpleased.

"What kind of surprise is this?" Namjoon furrowed his brows. Hoseok rubbed his arms, looking around him only to realize he was meant to speak to Namjoon. None of the others wanted to speak to Mercury. "Hoseok, what is all this? What's been going on? Why haven't you—?"

"Okay, okay! I know you're upset and you have every right to be!" Hoseok rushed over to Namjoon. He placed his hands on the blue hair's shoulders, giving him a big smile. Anything to get him to stop glaring at the others for a moment. If Hoseok can sit in a room with Jungkook after what happened then Namjoon can hold off on all the scowling. "I can explain everything! Just calm down, okay?"

Namjoon met Hoseok's calming eyes again. His emotions were all over the place and he almost didn't want to even listen to Hoseok. Namjoon's only ally and best friend has been hiding from him? He wanted to argue with Hoseok, but that should be for another time. They were long time friends. Hoseok was a Jovian too. Namjoon needed to be careful. Even if he enjoyed Hoseok's company, he also desperately needed Hoseok for his own safety at times. Their alliance is based off survival after all. That was just the cold hard truth when it came to planets. Did any of them even have a close bond in reality besides Namjoon and Hoseok? Maybe Jimin and Seokjin did, but those two were Jovians. They can pretty much do as they please.

Hoseok waited for Namjoon to take in a deep breath and listen. He needed the Mercurian to take a moment to step back. Namjoon is good at thinking logically. Once Hoseok was able to tell Namjoon everything, he spilled it all out. It felt like a crash of information that Namjoon managed to keep up with. Apparently Taehyung was the first to arrive then Hoseok, Jungkook, Seokjin, Jimin, and lastly Yoongi. Yoongi just arrived today so they were giving him the run down earlier. The rules were pretty flexible and it was mainly Hoseok trying to run everything. He was just trying to make sure none of them killed each other or messed with the humans. It was more exhausting then he thought it would be.

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