28: Boyfriends

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Hey everyone, a quick trigger warning, this chapter is going to contain lots of kissing, and smut at the end. Feel free to skip the sectioned out part with *stars* if you don't want to read it. Thank you!

          Brodie's Pov:
     "I don't wanna..." I say with a small pout, staring at the outfit Clay had laid out for me. He expected me to wear an embarrassing bunny onesie with ears on the hood and everything.
     "Oh come on baby, you'd be so cute." Clay smiles softly at me. "You look adorable in anything I put on you, but this is gonna make you look extra cute!"
     That was tempting... I liked it when he called me cute, but, I am gonna hold my ground. I already said no! I just let out a small whine and bounce on the bed, pointing to his hoodie and some short shorts instead. "Wanna wear dah!"
     Clay looks over at it and sighs in defeat. "Fine... bur next time, you're gonna wear the bunny onesie for sure!" He scolds and grabs onto the outfit that I had picked. I doubt that I would have to wear it, this is the fourth time I've gotten to put it off. I really liked wearing his shirts and stuff. They always made me feel calm, safe, and sometimes even small.
     I let him put everything onto my body, then reach my arm up to him. He lifts me up with a gentle smile. "How's that feel? You feeling good?"
     I nod in response and held onto him. I wasn't a short guy at all, but compared to him and wearing his stuff, I really looked like a little kid or something. I look at the mirror for a second before hiding my face in his neck. I look so different. War made me so tough and angry looking, but now even my face has gone so soft and cuddly.
     "I assume you're feeling little today?" Clay laughs softly and brushes my hair back.
     I shrug my shoulders and cuddle into him. I felt both big and small at the moment. Clay and I had a discussion a little while back about what it meant to be little, how I should focus on that but at the same time... well... I reach up and give him a quick kiss on the chin, making a tiny smile appear on my face as I hid back in his chest.
     "What are you doing? You don't get to just kiss me and hide away! I gotta repay you, don't I?" I laugh a little as he pulls my head out of his chest and kisses my lips softly. He was so gentle and caring, both as my daddy... and as my... I don't know. What are we? Am I ready for someone else? Is it wrong to take someone else when my girl already died? I'm so lost and confused. But at the same time, it's a relief when I am with him, he takes good care of me and makes sure I'm okay.
     We pull off the kiss and I look right into his eyes. Gosh he's so hot... I don't know what I did to get him to like me, but here he is. He has those beautiful blue eyes, the softest skin you would ever feel, silky and soft dark hair, and his body... wow. He's got so many muscles yet he's as gentle as a feather.
     "So... I think we are all set to do whatever you want today, soooo... what do you feel like doing?" He asks me and gently rubs his thumb against my pink cheek.
     I just want to kiss you all day, how obvious can it get?! But, that's definitely too much to ask. I just look down again and shrug. Clay laughs softly. "Oh come on, you've got to want to do something. We could play with some toys, go see Jono-"
     "Kiss..." I mumble and look down. Did I really just say that?! Oh gosh I'm so stupid.
     He looks down at me then laughs. "Or we could kiss. Is that what you wanna do, babe? You just wanna kiss all day all the time?" I hide my face back into his neck and whine, getting a loud laugh from him. "Sounds like a perfect plan to me."
     He pulls us onto his bed, setting me on his lap facing him. "Just relax, okay? You don't need to do anything you don't want to, and nothing has to be any way that you don't feel comfortable with." He smiles gently and grabs onto my arms, wrapping around his neck. I didn't mind at all and began kissing him gently, leaning in and smiling.
We stayed like that a while, just the two of us, kissing and holding onto one another. His arms were around my hips, holding me in place as we kept kissing. I felt so weird... this felt amazing in a totally different way than it did when I was with her. It felt great with her, holding her close and letting her kiss me and well... doing mature things once in a while. But right now, I was more on the opposite side. I was being held so lovingly and I'm gonna be honest, I want more.
Was it wrong to want more? I was with my girl for a few years and I really thought we had something, but now I'm with him and I know I'm still young but, is it wrong? It feels so right... I don't want it to be wrong.
"What's on your mind, Brodie?" Clay asks me softly and pulls off the kiss, looking down at me with a concerned look. Another thing I've found with myself is that I am much more expressive without realizing it. Clay has been able to read my face like a book.
"I-is it wrong...?" I mumble quietly and look up at him, full of doubt and concern.
"Is what wrong?" He asks and gently rubs my back.
"To... to want you. I just, I was with a girl and I knew she was my soulmate and I loved her so very much..." I look down and hiccup. I felt so guilty. It felt like I was cheating on her.
"Hm... well, do you like me?" He asks softly. What sort of question is that? Of course I liked him. I have totally fallen for him, he's everything that I could ever want and more. Patient and gentle with my broken down self. I just give him a small nod. "I think that you're still so young, and that whoever that girl was would be happy that you've found somebody to love. I know I love you very much, you don't need to feel sorry or anything when you're with me. If you ever get overwhelmed or don't want any of this, all you need to do is just tell me."
He brushes my hair back, and I couldn't help but look back up at him. His eyes were full of care and concern. "O-Okay..." I nod slowly and wrap my arms back around his neck. "I like when we do this..." I mumble and look down with a small blush.
Clay smiles a bit and laughs. "I like it too... you're the first person I've ever kissed too, you know." What?! For real?! But he's so... well, attractive honestly! How has he not ever kissed anyone before?!
"Yes really... I haven't done any of that other stuff before either... I don't meet many men who like other man... and well, I'm only into guys." He shrugs and grins back at me. "But I'm lucky. My first kiss was from the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on."
I blush a little and look away. "Th-Thank you." He really knew how to fluster me. My whole body felt hot and tingly at the moment, I couldn't help but gently move my hips around a little bit, it was all so overwhelming and my area down there was getting so worked up.
All my life I always thought I'd be giving out love and being the one to hold others... but right now more than anything, I just want him to... Well... you know. My whole face was probably more red than a cherry at this point. I sit up a little bit and look right at him. "Uhm- this feels really nice- but I just... I umm... yeah!" I couldn't figure out how to word anything right now. I was so flustered and tingly.
     Clay looks me up and down and let's out a small laugh. "I hear you. Let me know if you every get uncomfortable, okay? Just ask and everything will stop." He pulls me down his body and sits me on top of his lower region, and right under myself I could feel a bulge. "I honestly feel the same right now... and I don't really know what to do..." he looks down and also blushes a bit out of embarrassment. I gently move myself up and down on it, pushing my rump against it. Clay looks away and bit his lip.
     "Haven't you told me not to do that?" I tease with a small smile, bending down and kissing my now laying down partner.
     "You're gonna have to teach me how to pleasure you..." he mumbles and held me in place of it.
     "I've only ever been the one to dish it out... and well, you're the daddy... so I'm not really sure how to just let it happen." I smile a little. "Here, let's just start with me laying down, Okay?"
     Clay nods and sits up. I quickly lay down on the bed. I just wanted to feel everything at once right now, but I had to let him get used to it. I can't believe this is his first time... and especially that he wants to do it with me.
     I smile up at him. "You could probably take my pants off... we'll be down to nothing soon enough..." Clay nods and gently began unbuttoning my pants, sliding the off. My face heated up more as I saw how much my crotch was pressing against my underwear. "Ah- Sorry..." I look away and cover my face, but was interrupted when I felt a sensation rub over it. I look back to say Clay gripping onto the region and gently rubbing his thumb against the bottom of it.
     "Sorry for what?"
     "Mm- Ah- Nothing." I grin nervously and just lay there. This is so weird. I never knew that the receiving end could be so wonderful... I just wanted him to hold me down now and give me so much... he was being such a tease without meaning to. I've never done this with a guy either, so having a new area of my body filled with pleasure will be different...
     Clay takes off his pants as well, and I stare at his large more scrunched up boxers. I had a good sized package down there, but just seeing his bulge made me already feel so average. Clay grabs onto my legs and gently spreads them apart.
     "So if I were to do it with a guy.. does it go here?" Clay asks me before pushing himself against my rear end. I now more than ever wanted him to just shove himself there. My hips began to twitch and I slightly pushed my bottom more into him, nodding slowly.
     "Y-Yeah- in there..."
     "Okay... this is new..." Clay says softly and grabs onto the top of my underwear, pulling them down to still be at my ankles. He smiles a little and gently grabs onto my hardened member. "Aww, you're so big here, aren't you?" He looks at my eyes and I couldn't help but let out a tiny moan.
     "Y-Yeah yeah it's not that big compared to yours though." I pout a little. Clay just laughs a little bit.
     "Well, let's compare..." he takes his shirt off first, allowing me to admire his solid abs, then, he slowly pulls his boxers off, his member springing out from them. He moves his body close to mine and smirks down at me. His was a few inches large than mine. I blush and look away.
     "No fair..."
     "No fair? What's no fair is how amazing your  butt is... it's to bubbly and nice..." Clay says softly and gently reaches his hands down, squishing my bottom. He eventually got closer and closer to my entrance, about to stick his fingers in before I interrupted him.
     I bite my lip and look up at him. "Uh... Clay. You're supposed to use lube." I move away a little.
     Clay blinks and blushes deeply. "Ah- that's right. I'm sorry I'm getting too excited!" He quickly got up and went to a drawer, grabbing some of the slippery stuff. "Do I just...?" He walks over with it and opens the cap. I hold in a laugh and grab onto the bottle. I squirt some onto his member, and began to rub it in. This caused some small moans to come out of the other and he looked down at me. "Oh..." He smiles and took the thing from me.
     He squirts some on his fingers and some near my entrance. "Ready? He whispers. I nod before a felt a painful sensation enter into my behind. He began to move the lube all over it. It hurt. Real bad. I know it'll feel better with time but at the moment I just wanted to scream and cry out.
     I gasp out and grab a pillow, moving it over my face as he began to move his fingers in and out slowly. I was already to overwhelmed.
     With time, Clay continued his gentle movements, I was feeling a bit better. In fact, it was feeling really good.
     "You like that, don't you?" Clay asks with a small smile, taking his fingers outside of me. I nod quickly and felt the pillow being removed from my face. "Well, there's more to come..." he grabs my legs and held them up high, gently placing his tip near my entrance. "Are you ready?" He asks with a smirk now.
     "Yes- Yes... I'm ready..." I mumble and try and push myself more toward his tip. I was starting to really just want more. My desire was quickly met however when he pushes himself inside of me. I gasp out a little as the new and much welcomed sensation ran through my body.
"How does it feel?" He asks me softly and slowly began to push more of himself into me. This is one of the best feelings I've ever had, but I couldn't tell him that, it's too embarrassing... I just nod and let him push even more into me. It hurt a little but the overwhelming sensation just made that seem so insignificant.
"I can tell you're liking it, but do let me know if it's too much. Okay?" Clay began to gently move his hips forward and back, which felt even better.
"Agh- y-yeah..." I say with a small bite of my lip. "Whatever... you think."
     We stayed like this for a while, and I was still squirming a lot from the sensation. I think that made Clay think he shouldn't move any faster but... I want it. I'm so sensitive to all this because I'm so used to the giving part of this rather than receiving. I couldn't decide which I liked better.
     Clay smiles a little bit down at me. "Is it alright if I go a little bit faster? Deeper perhaps~?" He teases me with a soft chuckle. I just nod and let out a small whimper.
     "Please!" I hurry my face in a pillow as he began to push himself deeper and faster. I pant out a little bit and let him. It's so weird that all of this is happening in my rear... but still my front side was throbbing and I felt like I was going to release any second.
     "You're getting close, aren't you?" Clay asks with a soft chuckle, pulling himself out of me. I pant and nod, but whine as soon as he took his part out of me.
     "P-please..." I whine needfully and turn my body around so my back is on the bed. Clay just laughs at me.
     "Never did I think you'd like this all so much, you seem like such a tough guy." He grabs my legs and held them apart as he got between them. He placed his tip back to my entrance and slowly pushes his way into me... then the same in and out in and out motion that hypnotizes me. It just all felt so good.
     Clay let go of my legs, which I held spread apart. He then grabs onto my member and began to look examine it. I just moan out desperately and buck my hips up. Clay looks back down at me and chuckles.
     "Patience." He then clasps his hand onto it and began to make a motion mocking the one he was doing to be rear. I gasp and moan out. I was already seconds away from releasing. I could just feel it. But I held it in. I didn't want to look so desperate and stupid.
     "I can tell you're close... just let go, I'll do the same." Clay kisses my cheek and went even harder and faster. My whole body was shaking and moving because of the force of his pounding down there. I let out a loud moan and pant, gripping the bed sheets next to me.
     With one last whimper, my legs shot up as I felt everything release. A few last hard pushes were made into my rear and Clay also pulled out. He let go of my junk and jerked himself off for a moment, releasing as well. I just lay there in a bed of shock, letting my head relax and fall back to the bed.
     "Wow..." I mumble and look up at him. "What was that?"
     "That, was a little treat for my boyfriend." Clay chuckles and kisses my forehead. "Now I'll get us cleaned up. How does a bath sound?"
     I just nod, I was in a bit of a daze after all of that. "Okay..."


Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, hehehehe. It was my first time writing something spicy, so I do apologize if it isn't very good. There probably won't be anymore things like this in this book, but I wanted to give it a try. Have a great day! (I also put this writer's note thing a bit lower so you wouldn't have to see what just happened if you were skipping through!)

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