17: It's Fun Time

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Jono's Pov:
"I swear I'm going to have to beat that man someday..." I look up at Vicky from where I sat in the corner, quietly cuddling a stuffed animal. I frown and watch her worriedly. "He's so selfish!!" She scoffs. "Typical man though..." I would say something against that, but she seemed pretty upset. I won't say that didn't offend me a bit though.
Vicky cracks her knuckles and grumbles. "Acting before thinking. Idiot... he's going to get himself killed!!" She growls and glares at a pillow for a moment. I flinch and look away as she began to beat on the pillow. I did not like seeing her so upset. She had helped me through so much...
     "M-Ms. Vicky...?" I mumble quietly and look at her, hiding my face behind a stuffed Panda nervously.
     She looks over at me and growls. "Oh My
Gosh just shut up!!!" She shouts at me. I felt my eyes begin to water as I look away, avoiding looking at her in fear. She seems to notice this and walks over. "Look, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to leave for a bit!! I'm... I'm not supposed to trust you being alone..." she mumbles and looks at me. I hide my entire face behind the panda and shut my eyes tightly, feeling the tears drip down my cheeks.
     Vicky sighs softly and forces me to tilt my head up. I look away until I felt her wipe the tears away. "I'll... have to get you a babysitter... or, well, a supervisor.." she mumbles. I gulp and look away once more, unable to control myself from shaking my head a bit.
     "I'm sorry Bub, but I don't have any other choice, after Brodie running away, how do I trust you won't as well?" She lifts a brow. I remained quiet, not really feeling the need to talk. I swallow the lump of air that appeared in my throat. She looked frustrated. "I don't know, do I get a guard to watch over you?!" She paces back and forth. "But I can't leave you all alone...!"
I watch her stress over me... was I really so much of an inconvenience? I tear up and look down as she mumbles to herself. I really liked her, she keeps me safe and warm... I like the feeling. I hug my knees to my chest as she eventually sighs and hugs me, pulling my apart from the curled up state. "Okay... I'm going to take you to sleep with a guard... how's that sound?" She asks with a nervous smile.
As much as I wanted to stay with her, I knew it wasn't an option, or even my choice. I just sniffle and look away once more, slowly nodding my head. She smiles and lifts me up. "I'm just not sure if I should put you with the nurses, or the guards..." she chuckles. "You don't have a lotta muscle," She smiles and pinches my cheek. I huff and blush more, not liking the teasing a lot. I was trained to be a muscle machine! I honestly had a lot of muscle for someone my size...
     She lets out a soft sigh. "I think I'll put you with a guard, so that you don't escape." Vicky smiles a bit more and grabs a blanket. She quickly wraps me up in it before carrying me out of the room. She hums out and brought me towards a man who was a few inches shorter than Clay. I look up at him with wide eyes as Vicky talks with the guard.
     The man looked scary to me... he had on the same solider clothes Vicky and Clay have, just with less badges, a large gun in hand and many bullets covering the sash. He had curly brown hair with some blonde streaks in the front, which seemed to be natural; yet the true thing that caught my attention was the fact that One of his eyes was sealed shut for some reason, I found myself staring at it curiously, wanting to see what was wrong with it.
     Eventually I felt myself being moved into the arms of the stranger, the man keeping a straight and serious face as I was placed in his arms. I gasp and reach out for Vicky once I was out of her arms, biting my lip nervously. I had lost focus of the one eye and wanted my Vicky back. I didn't care where she was going, and either way I'm a solider so I could help her out!!
     "Jono, this is... what did you say your name was?" She asks the tall male.
     "Ethan." He says plainly and narrows his eyes at her. "You better get going, ma'am."
     Vicky sighs and nods. "You're Right You're Right..." she looks me in the eyes one last time. I bite my lip but give her a hopeful look, not even sure exactly where she was going. All I knew was that she was gonna save Brodie, and if she was gonna save my friend then I'll give her my hope! I give her a tiny smile and nod.
     Vicky smiles back and waves before leaving the room. I let out a sigh and look up at the big man.
     Ethan smirks widely. "Oh ho ho, Are we going to have lots of fun." I could smell the tobacco in his breath, and try not to gag as I look away from him. He lets out a laugh that didn't sound to friendly. I feel the air build up in my mouth once more, slowly gulping it down in fear of the bigger male.
     I should have asked for the nurses and used my voice... I could tell this man did not want to have fun.

Hello all! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I decided to leave it on a slight cliff hanger hohoho! Anyway I have exams this week then school will be out for the year of 2018!! Yay!!
Also, if you are one of my followers, there is a chance you'd know that I am coming out with a cutsie little name for my supporters, so if you have any ideas, be sure to leave a comment!! ❤️
As always, a big thank you for reading my story, I'm trying to get back into writing it! Hope you all have an awesome holiday season!!

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