18: Hospital

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          Clay's Pov:
     I sit down on a little stool and stare down at Brodie. I was regularly a calm and laid back person, but he had run away and it had freaked me out. I fidget around in the seat nervously, watching his resting face. Brodie has a small smile on his face, hugging his pillow tightly with soft, Eased breaths.
     I let out a small frustrated sigh as I hear the door to the small hospital room click open. I look over to see a tall, skinny male doctor who had side swept graying hair and a chin with stubbles. He also had bags under his eyes. "How's the patient?" He mumbles and pulls over a stool with wheels on the bottom, scooting over to look at his face.
     I sigh and shrug my shoulders. "He's okay, thanks for not killing him..."
     He shrugs as well. "I didn't have a choice anyway. It is so tiring... I swear we have a one to five thousand ratio for Doctor to solider." He mumbles. "And none of them ever come in here anyway."
I nod and pat his back a little to try and comfort him. "I am so sorry, I bet that is very difficult." I frown a bit and he shrugs.
"It's not like its much easier then your job, aren't you the wild card?"
I laugh a little and nod. "Oh gosh I forgot that nickname, I was given that right st the start of the year."
The doctor smiles and nods. "Mister do It All." I simply shrug and smile a little more, moving my eyes off him and back to Brodie. He was always so tense and angry whenever he was awake, so having him asleep wasn't only a break for him, but for me. I didn't feel so worried when I saw him do calm and sleepy. "Well?" The man asks with a raised brow.
"Well what?" I smile and look at him.
"What's this kid's story? Why do we have him here?"
I let out a small sigh. "Well, I originally took him in for questioning, and because I didn't kill him at first. I mean, the kid was half dead! Look at his arm!" I point to his half arm, the elbow down missing. The doctor nods along to what I was saying. "I shot his friend and had no more ammo left, and so I decided to take them in for questioning... when I got back, the strangest thing happened..." I sigh and stare at the wall.

~~Flashback Time~~

     "Well well, it appears you have captured two enemy soldiers. What are their rankings?" A voice calls out from across the room. The figure in front of me stood still and had a shadow over them so that I was unable to see their face.
     "They were both common pawns, simple soldiers who would easily be sacrificed, sir." I say tiredly.
     "Well isn't that just perfect..." they laugh. "According to one of my scientists... a simple guard had a big idea for once. They thought about restarting the lives of these soldiers... rebooting them and seeing what we can do with them... and what better test subjects than these two that you have captured?" They laugh a bit.
     I gulp and sigh, nodding my head along. "That is correct, sir."
     "They are not important to the point where the opposing idiots would want them back. It'll be perfect to experiment with. Think of them as no more than lab rats. I shall assign you and that one female commander to do this together. That way, they will have to parental rolls that are most common, and most like what they were born into."
     "Yes sir." I place my hand onto my head and salute them.
     "You May Leave now." The man says with a laugh.
     I nod. "Thank you sir!" And with that, I leave the room and let out a breath. The whole conversation made me worry, because there was something about the two men, or, more or less boys that lit a spark in my mind. They had both survived some terrible accidents, one still fighting me even though he was clearly left for dead. The other? I'm not sure... but that one that fought me... I'm not sure. I'm just not sure...

     I will do what I must to protect him.

~~Present Time~~

     "I could tell you my story, or... my point of view in our story, yet I can't tell you his story." I smile and run my fingers through his hair. "All I can tell you is he's a fighter..."
     The doctor nods and yawns at the same time, covering his mouth. "I see..." he says with half his words being a yawn.  "Well then, I won't waste your time with him. When he's awake, you may take him back to wherever you are, main base, whatever. Keep applying treatment to his wound... have a good day."
     I nod and smile. "Thank you doc!" I wave and watch the other man leave the room. I then stare down at Brodie and sigh, grabbing onto his dog tag and staring at it. "You have such a pretty name..." I look up at him and smile a bit. "You really do need some rest..."
     I stand up from the seat and let out a happy breath, yet hear the sound of fast and light footsteps coming along. I look to see the door, which was practically slammed open. "Clay!!" There stood Vicky, panting to catch her breath. "Did you find him?!" She asks quickly.
     I smile and nod, stepping to the side so she could see the sleeping male in bed.
     She growls and shook her head. "That idiot! He has no idea how much trouble he has put us in!! I had to leave Jono all alone with some guard!" She grinds her teeth and glares down st Brodie. "As soon as that boy is awake... I swear I'm going to hurt him..." She grumbles angrily.
I sigh and scoot closer to him protectively. "It was just one slip up." I shrug my shoulders.
"Just one?! He's had so many of these little slip ups!! It's unbearable!!" She growls out in anger. "He needs to realize that everything he does affects the others around him!! Including his little buddy, who I pray isn't being killed right now! I did give the guard clear directions though... but you know! What if he is?! I'm not there to watch him so I have no way of knowing!" She yells out in frustration.
     I sigh and shake my head, rubbing her back. "The Doctor said I should wait until he's awake to take him back... but maybe we can all leave now? It's either that or you go get your little one and stay there. A war zone is not the place for a little one." I look down at Brodie and sigh.
     Vicky stares at me for a moment then stares down at Brodie. "I'm starting to think he's going to be a failed experiment." She mumbles.
     I keep my eyes locked on his sleeping face. The silence that hit the room after her saying that was becoming too awkward for comfort. "No..." I look up at Emily, who raised a brow to wait for my answer. "Because... we'll have many other soldiers to take in... right? Brodie is level easy compared to the other's that will start the reboot program... and we can't let the boss down..." I give Vicky an angry look. "I will not let him die. Now go to your own little boy, this one is mine." I keep my eyes narrowed on her as she gasps.
     "So that's how you're going to act, huh?" She looks down and sighs. "Well Fine Then... Sorry for breaking the truth to you." She scoffs and ran out of the room.
     I sigh and look down at Brodie sadly, hugging the boy and allowing a few salty tears that mixed with my sweat to drip off my face and into the small boy's clothes.
     I didn't care if he was going to be difficult. I made a promise to keep him safe. I want to protect him. I want him to be happy. I want him to be rewarded for suffering so much...

      I want him to love me back.

Why hello there everyone! Sorry once again for not uploading in so long, but I'm thinking about making a new book full of one shots, because I have so many new ideas that are flowing through my head! Anyway I hope all of you had a lovely 2018 and I hope that 2019 is even better! Thank you as always for reading, sorry for always making these so long!! Also be sure to comment a name for what my followers, fans and readers should be, because I want to create a better bond with all of you! Thank you and goodbye!!

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