5: Little Buddy

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          Jono's Pov:
     I open my eyes and let out a small groan. Everything was blurry and very, very hard to see. I barely remember anything... I still feel sleepy... wait a minute...
     I sit up and groan as I try and grip on my rib, remembering that it was shot since the pain started to sink in.
     "No!! Oh no how did you wake up?!" I hear a grouchy and worried female voice shout at me.
     "I don't know let me go!!" I yelp as I am hit across the head again.

     . . .

     I open my eyes and rub my head. It kinda hurt... oh yeah! My rib! I mean, my rib...? Why doesn't it hurt? I look around to see two figures standing across the room, talking. I heard a loud buzz in my ears, causing me to be unable to hear anything. I just look at them, laying down still.
     One was a tall, blonde lady and the other... she was slightly shorter but still pretty tall with brown hair and... the enemy's uniform. The other lady must be a nurse. This was all to frightening. I remain still and close my eyes, trying to make it appear as though I was still asleep. Maybe then they won't torture me...
     "Is he still asleep?" The blonde lady walks over and checks my pulse, which quickens by her touch. I was scared. I hated this feeling. "Yes still alive but... I'm not sure if he's asleep."
     "Let me have a look." The Brown haired lady walks over and touches my rib where my injury was. This causes me to flinch and move my body away naturally. "Hm, I don't think he's awake. Nor does he deserved to be called by his name..." She smacks me across the face. "You!! Solider!! Sit up straight right now!!"
     I yelp at the hit and quickly sit up, looking at her in great fear and panic. She gives me a calm gaze for a moment as I awkwardly look at her. "Hmph..." She sighs and lifts me up off the bench. "Your bleeding has stopped and you have been healed... what do you say?"
I look at her with complete confusion. What was she wanting me to do? Get on my hands and knees and worship her for sparring my life? I wasn't sure what this was, but I felt as though it would be much, much worse then death. She gives me a more stern look as I gulp, thinking more.
She reminded me of a mother at a restaurant who would get angry when her children didn't Thank the Waiter for the food... hey wait maybe that's it!! "Th... thank you..." I mumble and hang my hand.
"What was that?! Look at the nurse and say it." She smiles a little, kinda in between a smirk and a happy smile.
"Thank you!!" I raise my voice and look at the blond lady. The nurse smiles and nods before trotting off quickly, her high heels clicking against the floor. Why would people wear heals here? Beats me.
"So umm," she looks down at me, and blinks for an awkward moment before setting me down quickly. "Run off and you'll be considered a waste of resources..." she glares at me.
I look down at the ground and nod slowly. I wasn't really thinking of much else besides the fact that this women was really intimidating. My eye sight has gotten much better at this point and I could see this lady's large, muscle-full body and tall posture. She had to be at least five inches taller then me. The only thing that I found myself looking at to ease myself besides the ground were her green eyes. I found myself lost in them before she interrupted.
"Umm, hello?! Jono?!" She looks at me sternly.
I shake my head quickly and look at her, choosing not to pay mind to the fact that she knew my name. "Y-Yes ma'am?!"
She smiles with some level as satisfaction. "You, small solider, will be staying with me in my room until we figure out what we would like to do with you and your little buddy." She grabs my hand. "So for now, let's go there we you can see the area." She smiles.
Little buddy...? What did she- Brodie!!!


Hello darlings! Thank you again for reading, hope you enjoyed. I'm gonna make myself sound like a YouTuber ready?


Well, how'd I do? Haha. Trying to have a little fun with all of you sorry if that was scary Oof. Bye!!

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