16: Cold

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Brodie's Pov:
Cold... I look around the snow covered grounds and trenching filled with lots of people. To my surprise, a lot of these soldiers were women. How desperate was this side? I grumble quietly to myself and walk around, hugging myself tightly.
What I was wearing was definitely not going to help with the cold weather. Military pants with no underwear and one of Clay's oversized t-shirts.
I bite my lip and sigh, still looking around and hearing guns fire once more. This is where I belong. On the field. Not being comforted when I don't need it.
"Solider!!!" I hear a male voice growl at me. I look back to see a tall man, taller then Clay. He wore the enemy's uniform, with some badges all over it. His outfit was different from all the others.
I shake my head, realizing that I must do something. I quickly tense up and give the man a salute, biting my lip harder after mumbling a "Yes sir!".
He glares at me for a bit before barking once more. "What are you doing out of uniform?!"
My eyes widen as I quickly knew my excuse. "M-my arm fell off, sir!! I am of no use!!"
"Nonsense! You're in shape and it's bandaged up!! You could be front line!" He smirks. I gasp and quickly shake my head, panic quickly rushing over me. I'm not even fighting for this side!! "Listen solider, you do as I say. You signed a contract to come here and it is your duty to uphold that contract!" He smacks my cheek harshly.
I tear up, maybe I should have stayed...- no. No I should not have stayed. I should not have let us get captured in the first place. But now Jono is clinging to that lady with so much need. I couldn't believe it. I bite my lip. "Where might I obtain the uniform...?"
The man scoffs loudly and smacks me once more. I rub my cheek. "First of all, it's pathetic That You're already crying and are in pain. I shouldn't even call you a solider." He points to a pile stacked up with bodies. "You see those fine people there? They fought for what's right. They died as heros..." he takes a moment to look at the detail of each one of their faces. "But, we never seem to honor them enough back home. We count numbers instead of reading names. Numbers take a shorter time for our brains to see. A number is just a number, and even with the background of a thousand dead people, we don't seem to realize that it's more..." he looks down at me as I gulp and nod along, just listening to this man go on and on. "We don't realize that those thousand people each had lives like you and me or, anyone really. That each of these people have a unique story to tell." He glares down at me. "But anyway, if you wish to bring honor to your country, go get in uniform, get a gun and fight for what is right!" He throws his fist in the air.
I take a breath and nod "S-Sir Yes Sir..." I look around at all the bodies as I slowly creep my way towards a little dugout. I walk inside and grab a uniform from some random person's shelf, slipping it on after making sure nobody was around. I grab onto a gun and ran out.
     Even I was asking myself why I wasn't fighting back. After the other man's longer speech, I didn't feel anything light up. I'm not sure what it was... I go through the different words in my head and try to pic it out as I slowly walk back there.
     I could hear some different voices, which I knew came from my head. Everything else was loud and violent, but this was quiet and soft. It was a hushed male voice. "Brodie..."
     I bite my lip, knowing it from somewhere I didn't like. I took off running to the trenches, and quickly jump in. It was a good thing I did, a person standing right next to my was shot down. I tear up once again. I've been getting weaker as time went on. I look at the man from earlier, shouting commands to the soldiers, then back down at the new girl. She held onto her fresh wound and groans out. I gasp and grab her. "Let's get you to first aid!"
She glares at me and smacks me. "No. You pervert. I shall die a hero."
I blink twice. "But... what about going back home a hero?"
She sighs and shook her head. "It brings More honor to die this way... I will bring honor to my family."
"What do you think your family would want more, you to come home, or your honor to come home? Think about the future, you're so young now, why waste it?" I said without thinking.
She looks up at me, speechless. "But, our country says-"
"Our country my butt." I scoff and she smiles a bit. "C'mon," I grab her and army crawl quickly to the medic, avoiding gunshots. I smile as they quickly take her away. I felt, good. I kinda just saved someone's life... is this what being a solider is like? It felt nice. On the other side we just let people die, because we didn't have supplies. But from the looks of it here, they had plenty. But thinking about it again, maybe they had so many because so many people wanted to die...
It was all hard to tell. I just smile a bit more to myself as a nurse walks over. "Do you need more treatment on that wound?" I felt like I had seen her before....
"Ahhh this? N-no I'm all set-" I said quickly before she shook her head and grabs my other arm. She drags me to a little room and sets me down on a bed.
     I look around the room and shiver, trying to get back up. "I'll be fi-" I felt a needle stab into my arm, and suddenly felt very drowsy. "Y-you little bitc-..." I had passed out before I was able to complete the sentence.

Hello everyone and thank you for reading! I got a little break today, only because I'm sick, so I figured it was time to make a new chapter of this book!! Huge thank you to everyone for reading, over 30K reads that's crazy!! Huge thank you for all of you being so patient with me, have a good day!

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