10: Accidents Happen

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Clay's Pov:
     I was sitting in bed with Brodie on my lap, watching some propaganda cartoons that they let us soldiers watch sometimes. I notice him squirming a bit in his oversized shirt and pants. He was wearing one of my grey pajama shirts and some fluffy pants I had gotten from my younger sister back at home.
     I look down at him and sigh softly. "What's wrong, little man?" I smile softly and caress his cheek.
He grabs my hand and moves it away. "St-stop calling me that!" He glares. "I don't know if this is your plan or something but it won't work on me!!" He growls.
     I shake my head and sigh. Vicky wanted to prevent him from seeing his friend for a few more days, since that Jono kid was misbehaving. It seemed fine at first, it was only going to be a few more days but now... now Brodie has been super cranky.
     This is day number two of him being with us, and I haven't really been needed in the war, because we are winning. That is always a good thing... for us.
     He just fidgets and glares at a wall, biting his lip with anger. I simply shake my head and push the pacifier back into his mouth. He quickly spits it out and lets out a frustrated mixture of a groan and a scream.
I grab it and hold it back in his mouth, gently bouncing him around and humming. He begins to tear up and shake. It was heartbreaking, really.
After a few minutes he gave up struggling. I've found that he's most obedient and relaxed when sleepy or in need. I watch the cartoons more and run my fingers through his hair, he still squirms around.
After a few more minutes he suddenly stops and looks up at me. I smile softly. "Yes baby?" I say, using the word that nurse used on him. He shakes his head and sniffles.
I gently rub his stomach. "Are you feeling alright, big boy?" He yelps and lets out a little whine when I rub. I take the pacifier out and set it aside. "Are you hungry? You've gotta speak with daddy." I smile and hold him up.
He shuts his eyes and shakes his head vigorously, squirming his bottom half around and crossing his legs. "I-I-I uhhh..."
I smile softly. "Oh, Someone need the potty?" I carefully pull him back down and smile. He nods quickly.
"Please don't treat me like a child and let me use the-" I push the pacifier back into his mouth, which he sucks angrily. I chuckle softly. It was like a quiet button.
I stand up and lift him up, not aware of how bad he had to go. I mean, who would wait so long to use the bathroom, in this case mostly as someone born to the male gender... cause you can go just about anywhere, really. Back to the subject at hand I look at his face and see him blushing deeply. His cheeks were heating up with every second of... soaked. His pants are soaked.
Tears begin to well up in his eyes. I gasp and quickly set him down. "Oh baby it's okay!!" I actually really liked those pants... oh well. They can be washed, right?
He starts to cry. "I-I'm not a baby please just stop!!" The pacifier drops out as his mouth opens to let him wail.
I shake my head. "Shhhh, it's okay..." I smile softly and pull his head into my chest. I gasp and suddenly grin, taking out my phone and contacting the nurse line.
Brodie continues to cry, now grab fistfuls of my shirt and grippig onto them. I slowly shake my head and call the nurse department. "Yes hello... I need the nurse who operated on an enemy, name Brodie and military number for his group is..." I pull out his dog tag. "10739... Yes, last name is Advils, A D V I L S, yes, alright thank you." I hang up and pick him back up, not minding the fact that his wet pants were getting on my clean ones.
     After a good five minutes of cuddling with him in silence the nurse walks in. "Y-you wanted to see me?!" She gulps nervously.
     I smile softly and nod. "Yes, I was wondering... since you think this guy's a baby, if you have any diapers that would fit him."
     She gave me a look that confused even me for a moment... a mixture of confusion shock and gratitude before nodding. "Yes sir, would you like me to put him in one?"
     I look down at Brodie who was looking at me in complete fear. I gently kiss his nose. "Yes please, it's gonna be alright buddy." I smile softly as the nurse scurried out the hallway.
     He was a baby, he ruined my good pants and I didn't want any more accidents to happen if they can be prevented this easily. I smile and hold him close while waiting. This was going to be a fun experience...

Wow! Yet another chapter done. I can't believe I've written ten of these now!! I'm coming up with new story ideas as well, so make sure you check out those books if you like this one!! Hope you all have a lovely day!! Thank you for reading!!

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