23: 100%

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Vicky's Pov:
I hush and cradle Jono, who was clearly very worried for his friend. The poor thing trembled and panicked. I felt so bad.
     "B-But what if h-he's hurt??" Jono cries out and squirms a bit.
    I hold him closer to my body and shake my head. "He's in Good hands, I can promise you that."
Jono simply shakes his head and continues crying softly, fidgeting anxiously. I bite my lip and tried to think of a way to calm him, eventually just slipping a pacifier into his mouth.
"We're back." I look up and see Clay walking in with Brodie, carrying him on his hip. He gently set Brodie down once they entered the room. "Poor thing was just hurting from his wound again."
Jono looked at Brodie and sniffles, holding his arms to him for a hug. Brodie quickly went over and hugged him, laughing awkwardly. "I'm alright kid, no need to get so worked up over it..."
He began to softly cry into Brodie's chest. "Thought you were h-hurt again!! A-and like, your other arm fell off!!" He cries out. Littles did have quiet the imagination.
     I watched them cuddle for a bit longer, seeing how Brodie was comforting him and now cheering him up with a story all before I heard Clay clear his throat. He gently motioned for me to go outside. I look at the other two before slowly nodding and walking out with him.
I slowly shut the door and look at Clay with a puzzled look. "What's up?"
"I got a message from the boss... he needs them to be 100% by the end of the month..." he looks down sadly.
"End of the month? That's plenty of time! Three weeks!" I smile a bit. "Jono's doing so well, I'm really thinking he's close-"
"But Brodie isn't." He interrupts me. I look at him to see him hugging himself. "But I know he can do it... when I was with him earlier... he... I think he was little... I know he can do it, but three weeks isn't enough time." He grinds his teeth together. "And if anything happens to him, I'll- I'll-!! I don't even know... but it won't be good." He blows out some air in frustration.
I had never seen Clay look so frustrated and helpless. He was usually a very calm and laid back man, but to see him so worked up was always so weird to me. I gently grab onto his hand and smile up at him.
     "He's going to be okay. You just gotta remember to stay calm... we've both become quite invested in this whole thing, haven't we?" I laughs a little to try and lighten the mood, but he still looked so panicked. I slowly drop his hand and look down. "You know it's going to be okay... he's got you. I know you can do this. You have been so gentle with him and building up a good relationship, it's incredible how patient you've been. So, keep it up, Alright?" I look back up at him.
     Clay slowly nods his head. "Okay... But, if he doesn't-"
     "No. Clay, we aren't going to even think about it right now. All that we are focused on is making them feel safe and happy, and getting this whole test to work. The fact that it actually has is probably a surprise. It's incredible but you- what we have accomplished." I grab onto the door knob. "Now then, what do you say we go back to them, Hmm? Can't leave them alone for too long as you know." I wink and hear a small chuckle come from him.
     "Yeah... I guess you're right." He nods. I open the door back to the room and smile. Jono was introducing Brodie to some of his stuffed animals, telling him their names and everything about them. They didn't seem to notice that we had gone, or even come in.
     "A-And this one is-... he doesn't have a name yet... you should name him!!" Jono bounced a bit on the bed.
     "Me...?" Brodie tilts his head before shaking it. "No... I'm bad with names..." he looks away, causing for Jono to whine out.
     "But- But you gotta!! I bet you can come up with a super good name!!" Jono pushes a stuffed animal into Brodie's arms. It was a small fawn with some very soft looking fur.
     "Oh jesh.... I- Umm..." Brodie looks away nervously before sighing out. "Fine... her name is Apple." He says and looks at Jono. "There. Good enough?"
     Jono gasps out. "That's so totally perfect!! Apples are my favorite!!" He bounces more and giggles. "You're the best with names!!"
     Brodie blushes a little and looks down. "Oh... thanks." He smiles a bit.
     "That is the cutest thing I have seen in my life..." Clay whispers to me in awe. He walks over and lifts Brodie up. "Apple huh? I think that's such a cool name. Are you gonna take care of her?"
     Brodie flinched at the sudden action but slowly nods. "Yeah... I like how soft she is..." Brodie's body practically melted into Clay's, he immediately rested his head on his chest and faced his body toward him.
     "Mama, Brodie got to meet Ge-Ge!!" Jono says to me. I quickly look over at him and grin.
     "Oooooh, that's awesome cutie! What did he think of Ge-Ge?" I ask and walk over, sitting with him.
     "He liked him a looooot!! And- and he liked all my other toys!! I like it when he plays with me!!" He smiles proudly and held his giraffe to me. "Do you like Ge-Ge too??"
     "Of course I do, cutie. Ge-Ge is such a cool gal." I ruffle his hair, causing him to giggle. If we did need these two to be 100% little by the end of the month, I know that Jono will be able to.
     "Yeah!! So cool!!" He began to play with the toy, grabbing some others and making them interact while babbling a bit. Jono very much enjoyed this whole experience, and was not afraid to show it. I was certain of that.
     "Mama wanna play with me?" Jono asks and held out a flamingo to me. He was so precious and though shy at first... had most certainly opened up.
     "In a minute, sweetie." I flash him a small smile. My concern however, was definitely still Brodie. I look over at the other two, seeing Clay stand and gently rock Brodie in his arms, while Brodie hugged the fawn close to his body. Though Brodie appeared much more relaxed than ever before, slumping into Clay with a sleepy expression, I could still see the fear and worry in his eyes. It had dropped since the first many encounters I've had with him, but, it was still there.
     "Mooooommmyyyyyy it's been like a billion minutes!! Play now??" Jono asks with a pout. I look over at them one last time, seeing Clay plant a small kiss on Brodie's forehead before looking down at my own little.
     "Hmm? Oh- yeah sure sweetie." I smile and grab onto the flamingo. I might not have cared much for Brodie at first but, Clay has put in a lot for him.
     "You're name is pinky!! And you own a cool store with all the yummy foods!" Jono declares to me.
I only nod along. I didn't want anyone getting hurt here. Not after everything that we had been through. That boss man, was scary.
He could do whatever he wanted with any of us. He could end this whole thing in one go.
And the worst part? He isn't even in the highest of all the ranks... but he still has so much power. Sometimes it's hard to remember that we are the good guys. I realize what we are doing is good, and we are trying to save so many people, but I just-
I blink twice and look at Jono. He huffs and pokes my nose. "Pay attention!"
I look him up and down and smile a little. "Yeah, Sorry baby."
He blushes and laughs awkwardly. "I-it's Okay- Sorry for being so obnoxious and stuff I just got really into it again..." he looks down and bites his lip.
I chuckle along. "It's okay. It's very cute, you know. You're so precious." He gently push a pacifier into his mouth, which he instantly sucked on and blushes more.
"Well then, where were we?" I smile at him.
He smiles back and spoke with the pacifier in his mouth. "You're pinky and you run a yummy food store!!"
"Ahh, that makes perfect sense! May I take your order sir?" I laugh as we play, loving his bright and energetic side. It was always so refreshing to see. He was so cute and joyful.

Quarantine? Yuck! Online school isn't much better than regular school if you ask me!! I hope everyone is taking good care of themselves! Stay healthy and have a great day/night!

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